Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Blessed Samhain is Tonight.

i've performed a Rite tonight, to honor Samhain, Wicca's Dark Mother & Wicca's Dark Father, as well.

i kept this a Rite simple for now.

On a Magickal Altar i did burn a little of Black Protection Invocation Candle, invoked Protections & Wisdom, then Skryed my own Reflection, to Reach Within.

Then i moved Candle to my Computer, Skrying Mirror as well.

i did invoke Protections & Wisdom again.

i did Skrye for Ancient Secrets, for Secrets of the Dead, as well ... with a proper spiritual Rites, i'll rediscover Dark Mysteries that way, perhaps.

i did Skrye Candle's flame, i did Skrye my own Reflection Again - i felt energy, thoughts focused on Shakti in my Thrid Eye Center on my forehead.

After a while i snuffed out Candle's flame, Rite was over.

i tried try to fulfill 'a time to study the Dark Mysteries' at Samhain.

i tried to skry my own Store Consciousness (Akashic Records) as well, to face my own Darkness, i'll skry Dark Mysteries of my own, from past lives, as well.

This way i tried to learn Dark Mysteries related to my True Love & Friendships, as well.

i'll try to serve Dark Mother & Dark Father with wisdom & powers rediscovered or discovered by skrying, as much as i can.

A Spell - Poem of the Knife.

-=- Hindrances - Severing Knife. -=-

Raven's Eyes, Awaken!
Cloak of Mists, Wisdom Awaken!
The Knife, the Ace of the Swords, the Spiritual Weapon for Truth, Awaken!
Discerning Wisdom & Awareness, Awaken!
Athamé, Awaken!
Raven's Eyes, Awaken!

Blessed be.

-=- Explaination. -=-

This a spell-poem is a Low Magick, it's title is 'Hindrances - Severing Knife'.

It warns against troubles & dangers - as a Raven, a flying shadow, with it's eyes,
It is quite a tricky spell, as is enveloped by the 'Cloak of Mists', wisely at that,
It discerns threats & blessings, it Protects with the Discerning Wisdom & Awareness, for Truth,
It directs psychic, enlightening & magickal energies,
It's masculine aspect, affecting thoughts mostly, to sever all that hinders, to Protect,

It blesses or curses as well, depending on intent toward us.

Monday, October 30, 2017

A Spell - Poem of the Pentacle.

-=- Pentacle of Mists & Shadows. -=-

Raven's Eyes, Awaken!
Cloak of Mists, Wisdom Awaken!
Shadow Pentacle, Awaken!
Raven's Eyes, Awaken!

Blessed be.

-=- Explaination. -=-

This a spell-poem is a Low Magick, it's title is 'Pentacle of Mists & Shadows'.

It warns against troubles & dangers - as a Raven, a flying shadow, with it's eyes,
It is quite a tricky spell, as is enveloped by the 'Cloak of Mists', wisely at that,
It Protects as the Pentacle, of Shadow, of Darkness & Light,
It's feminine aspect, affects thoughts mostly - but thoughts can evoke feelings as well, to Protect,

It blesses or curses as well, depending on intent toward us.

See also, if You wish: Awakening Shadow Pentacle for Protection.

Meaning of Mystery, Meaning of Secret.

i think 'secret' is something unknown, kept hidden from a someone or to group(s).
Secrets can be learned, secret knowledge can be won.

(Word: 'Occult' means: 'Hidden').

i think 'mystery' is a holy secret, unlearnable via normal means, acquirable only via spiritual practices,
via revelation or insight.

i think that when one learns secrets, and performs appropriate spiritual practices, then he or she can learn mysteries as well.

- For skrying, to fulfill 'a time to study the Dark Mysteries' at Samhain. -

- i'll skry my own Store Consciousness as well, to face my own Darkness, -
- i'll skry Dark Mysteries of my own, from past lives, as well. -


Samhain by AnathUtgard on DeviantART.

October 31 -- Samhain Eve
Also known as: November Eve, Feast of the Dead, Feast of Apples, Hallows and All Hallows Eve.

Possibly the biggest festival of the Witches’ year, Samhain is a time to remember those who have passed on, celebrate the Summers end and prepare for Winter months ahead. The Sun God and earth fall into slumber, as the nights lengthen and winter begins.

Samhain, (pronounced SOW-in, SAH-vin, or SAM-hayne) means 'End of Summer', and is the third and final Harvest. The dark winter half of the year commences on this Sabbat.

Various other names for this Greater Sabbat are Third Harvest, Samana, Day of the Dead, Old Hallowmas (Scottish/Celtic), Vigil of Saman, Shadowfest (Strega), and Samhuinn. Also known as All Hallow's Eve, (that day actually falls on November 7th), and Martinmas (that is celebrated November 11th), Samhain is now generally considered the Witch's New Year.

It is generally celebrated on October 31st, but some traditions prefer November 1st.It is one of the two 'spirit-nights' each year, the other being Beltane. It is a magical interval when the mundane laws of time and space are temporarily suspended, and the Thin Veil between the worlds is lifted. Communicating with ancestors and departed loved ones is easy at this time, for they journey through this world on their way to the Summerlands.

It is a time to study the Dark Mysteries and honor the Dark Mother and the Dark Father, symbolized by the Crone and her aged Consort. Tradition also teaches that the aid of spirits and guides from the other world was easily enlisted at this time, so in the increasing moonlight of longer nights, many used this time to hone their psychic and divinatory skills, especially with regard to love and marriage.

Originally known as the 'Feast of the Dead' this sabbat was celebrated in Celtic countries by leaving food offerings on altars and doorsteps for the 'wandering dead'.Today a lot of practitioners still carry out that tradition. Single candles were lit and left in a window to help guide the spirits of ancestors and loved ones home. Extra chairs were set to the table and around the hearth for the unseen guest. Apples were buried along roadsides and paths for spirits who were lost or had no descendants to provide for them. Turnips were hollowed out and carved to look like protective spirits, for this was a night of magic and chaos.
The Wee Folke became very active, pulling pranks on unsuspecting humans. Traveling after dark was was not advised. People dressed in white (like ghosts), wore disguises made of straw, or dressed as the opposite gender in order to fool the Nature spirits.

The Christian religion has adopted this day as All Saints Day, or All Hallows Day, celebrating the eve as All Hallows Eve, or Halloween. The superstition and misconception linked to this celebration by the early church, led people to take some unusual precautions to protect themselves. They adopted the tradition of dressing in frightening costumes or disguises, and displaying scary looking Jack-O-Lanterns to help protect them from spirits they considered to be evil. In the British Isles, the young people would disguise themselves with hideous masks and walk through the village, lighting their way with lanterns made from carved turnips.

This was also the time that the cattle and other livestock were slaughtered for eating in the ensuing winter months. Any crops still in the field on Samhain were considered taboo, and left as offerings to the Nature spirits. Bonfires were built, (originally called bone-fires, for after feasting, the bones were thrown in the fire as offerings for healthy and plentiful livestock in the New Year) and stones were marked with peoples names. Then they were thrown into the fire, to be retrieved in the morning. The condition of the retrieved stone foretold of that person's fortune in the coming year. Hearth fires were also lit from the village bonfire to ensure unity, and the ashes were spread over the harvested fields to protect and bless the land.

Symbolism of Samhain:
Third Harvest, the Dark Mysteries, Rebirth through Death.

Symbols of Samhain:
Gourds, Apples, Black Cats, Jack-O-Lanterns, Besoms.

Herbs of Samhain:
Mugwort, Allspice, Broom, Catnip, Deadly Nightshade, Mandrake, Oak leaves, Sage and Straw.

Foods of Samhain:
Turnips, Apples, Gourds, Nuts, Mulled Wines, Beef, Pork, Poultry.

Incense of Samhain:
Heliotrope, Mint, Nutmeg.

Colors of Samhain:
Black, Orange, White, Silver, Gold.

Stones of Samhain:
All Black Stones, preferably jet or obsidian.

Traditional Foods:
Apples, Pears, Pomegranates, All Grains, Pumpkin-pie, Hazelnuts, Cakes for the dead, Corn, Cranberry muffins and breads, Ale, Cider, Herbal teas (especially Mugwort) and Meat unless vegetarian and then tofu will do.

Calendula, Cosmos, Chrysanthemum, Wormwood, Hazel, Thistle.

Mint, Heliotrope, Nutmeg, Sage or Floral's.

Woods and Herbs Burned:
Apple, Heliotrope, Mint, Nutmeg, Sage.

Sacred Gemstone:

Source: Samhain Lore and Traditions on Wicca.com.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

History of Wicca.

'Wicca (i.e, modern neopagan witchcraft) is the only religion that England has given to the world. Wicca was founded, or perhaps created in a better world, by a retired civil servant, Gerald Brosseau Gardner (1884-1964) in the 1940s.

Gardner had left England as a young man in early 1900s to work as a tea planter, rubber plantation inspector, and Customs officer in the Far East, where he studied Eastern religions and the magical beliefs and practices of the indigenous peoples of Borneo and Malaysia.

On his frequent visits back to England on leave, he attended Spiritualist séances and studied psychic research.

In 1936 Gardner retired from Customs Service and returned home permanently.

He became involved in archaeology and naturism (for health reasons), joined the Folklore Society and the Ancient Druid Order, and was ordained as a minister in an unorthodox Christian sect known as the Ancient British Church.'

-- Quoted from 'Modern Wicca' book by Michael Howard.

See also, if You wish: About Wicca.

(perhaps will be continued/edited later, if/when i can).

A Three of the Card 'Games'.

... i am not the best of card games players, but 3 of card 'games' are important for me.

- TAROT, it's not only a game,
- Magic: the Gathering - including the online version,
- Poker.

M:tG is short for Magic: the Gathering.

M:tGO is short for Magic: the Gathering Online.

i am using M:tGO Cards with Skrying to learn Real Magick as well.

See also, if You wish: Magic Game, Awakening Shadow Pentacle for Protection.

During first official tournament of M:tG in Poland, i was on 3rd place.

My friend from high school (Konrad Zalewski) was 2nd, he was good enough with 'Poker Tricks' to know when i have Counterspells still.

He used for a while 'Glasses of Urza' MtG card (it reveals hand) to learn me & my reactions to cards i have & his play.

Poker Face is important in any card game & not only, i think. Other of 'Poker Tricks' as well.

... what is '... hota play ?' and 'hold'em' as in 'Texas Play' ?

... i am aware of a facebook game: 'texas hold'em poker', but i don't know if it's good enough for people's needs.


... i didn't play it yet ...

... spying is basis of strategy, and strategy let's win against greater forces.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Awakening Shadow Pentacle for Protection.

Tonight i did feel attacked supernaturally, so i started to develop a Low Magick Attack for Protection.

i've used MtGO Cards creatively, as well as simple invocation spells & my Black Obsidian Skrying Mirror.

i've selected a pair of two MtGO Cards:
- Cloak of Mists,
- Psychic Drain.

'Cloak of Mists' spell is Mind Magick, creatively used it protects mind, obscures thoughts as mist - so magick with it is hard to detect & understand, at least.

'Psychic Drain' spell is Black Magick, creatively used it attacks someone's life force & sanity, but life force can be recovered by eating more. There's also memory loss associated, which - aside from offensive value - also makes it harder to learn / counter - especially with 'Cloak of Mists' subtlety touch.

When used with low power, this combined spell makes someone get fatter from eating & less sane.

When used with high power, it's very dangerous and a lot of troubles.

By the 'Rule of Three', energy sent returns to caster three-fold, however.

i've looked at a reflection of these two cards in my skrying mirror, to initiate learning of this low magick spell.

i've named it 'Cloaked Psi-Drain'.

Then after more of magickal-dharmic practices, i've invoked protection five times, as in pentacle's arms.

It uses 'Cloaked Psi-Drain', so it's Magick Black & Low, but not without Mind's Light - Magick of Light & Darkness, Magick of Shadow Nature. Pentacle is pointed downwards, as this is more of spiritual descent than ascent. While i am not a fan of spiritual descent, everyone has right for self-defence & for protecting others.

Then i've invoked Wisdom three times, of both Magickal & Buddhist Nature, Visualizing it as a triangle within Pentacle's Protection.

Then i've invoked 'Awaken' once, related with Buddhist HUNG Mantra that awakens Mind, and transforms Anger into Fearlessness, placing it in a circle in the Center.

It's a powerful shortcut to Protect with Wisdom, Calmness, Fearlessness, Focus & Black Low Magick, can be invoked with short Phrase: 'Shadow Pentacle, Awaken!'.

Can be invoked quietly, in Mind or Aloud.

See also, if You wish: A Three of the Card 'Games', Low Magick: Protection against Shadow.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

'The Ethics of Greed'.

A Quote.

'Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill.

CEO Nwabudike Morgan "The Ethics of Greed"'

-- A quote from 'Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri' computer game.


Without consumers, producers & service providers would face economical ruin.

Consuming is not bad, if someone consumes well.

One can consume food, information, art or other resources.

What is 'consuming well' ? Basicly it's caring - by paying, learning or supporting resource providers in return, ...

i am still an Anti-Consumerist, because i prefer consuming as little as possible, consuming well, while paying, learning, sharing, criticizing & supporting as i can.

See also, if You wish:
> Computer Sciences 'n' Art, material or not? : [ http://fav.me/dbrrocw ].

Monday, October 23, 2017

Protection & Prosperity Short Rite.

A Rite.

Recently, i had a lot of bad karma, felt attacked internally, went into financial debts.

Today i performed a short magick Rite.

On a makeshift Magickal Altar, next to a Warning-Giving Raven Familiar Statue, under a 'Nitescence' Paint by Nerialka, i set alight two of my incense sticks:
- one for protection, at base,
- one for prosperity, at lower right part of an incense holder.

i've invoked Protection & Prosperity, including Protection of Prosperity & Prosperity's Protection.

Raven Familiar Statue should enhance Protection with warnings in Mind.

i've shared results with Karmic Connections, according to Merit.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Moment of Truth.

TAROT casts require courage, results affect us strongly - one's destiny becomes stronger after a cast.

Paying for interpretation helps, because professionals interpret well, increase positive & guide through negative outcomes.

i 'insured' myself against 'Tower' then did a cast on the tarot.com .

... no Tower still, thankfully.

... in center is heart is death, it's good sign anyway.

It seems my heart will die then will be reborn. either success in Love or Death, as i prefer anyway.

'Death' Card in TAROT is Change, Love & Death, and more, anyway.

It's in the center, in the most important part of the cast.

i like the outcome - two of cups, cups are feelings anyway and pair is a whole.

There's safety net & more of the challenges, including reversed hanged man, a sign of nobility - in the cycles part.

Chariot is the War Vehicle, powerful Tool & Sign of Protection. I have extremally strong safety net. It's not reversed as well.

That's most important, other parts still count up - because there's no tower, no devil, no lovers - the most challenging cards.

Lovers are great, but too often a sign of betrayal - so let's be wary of them.


Saturday, October 14, 2017

Dispersion Dharma - Technomagick.

i won't provide details, but it's what i did in short.

Almost 7 years ago i started to develop Dharma - Technomagick called 'dispersion'.

i meditated, and did far more.

It gives user many advantages, including dispersing mind disturbances, dispersing dispersions & dispersing magick.

It's fairly solid already, but still uncomfortable to use.

Still not at full power, skill & comfort.

It's scheduled to be completed on 7.06.2018, by then it should be far better in many aspects including in lesser karmic & esoteric backslash consequences.

Feel free to learn (by wishing after reading this article), but there's karmic debt to repay associated - it's a lot of work.

i do not force to learn or use.

It's activated by speaking in mind or aloud word: 'dispersion' or 'rozproszenie', it can be used many times, each use is escalates in cost slightly for a while, shorter or longer depending on karma & rank in esoteric circles mostly, but art / science involvement also is for advantage.

See also: Dispersion Dharma - Technomagick on Karmic Way for Enlightenment.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Magic Game.

Black-Blue 'sinisters' Collection.

(Click to enlarge image for details, if You wish).

Magic: the Gathering is just Art & Game, but i think it has uses in the Real Magick.

When i was Young, i played it a lot, was addicted, spent a lot of money on cards.

With friends, we practiced in school and after - for months or more.

i played White-Blue Deck, Colors of Purity & Hope, Papal Colors - but also Colors of Light & Mind, Purity of Experience & Hope for Enlightenment.

i used Crusades, Creatures & Counters mostly.

During the first M:tG Official Tournament in Poland i did achieve 3rd place, my friend from school with his Black-Blue Draining, Creature & Versatility Deck achieved 2nd Place.

After a time i defeated this addiction by giving other friends all of my cards.

Recently however i created M:tG Online account, played deck white as Light then swapped cards for black-blue 'sinisters', with a value loss - at least for now.

Most importantly i got Drain Lifes, many of them more valuable foils. These are hard to get, not produced anymore, not available to play.

But i do not plan to play, only to invest a little & collect.

i think these Cards are Computer-Related works of Art & Entertainment, i have earned them with effort & money.

This has uses in the Art's Speech, including in the 'Art of Magick & Light'. i can say i have these spells. if i have them, i can study - by observing names, images, flavour texts & other aspects, by thinking, by drawing inspiration, learning Real Magick associated - if neccessary with uses of Skrying & other methods.

Answering Question what uses the 'Art of Magick & Light' has for 'sinisters' if it's so about 'Light' - answer is:
- for Securing, so others won't have & abuse,
- for Countering, in case others also have those,
- for Self-Defense,
- for Protecting others,
- for Transforming into the Light.

i am a Virtual Adept in a way, so it's important that these art-entertainment resources are computer-related.

Real Magick also has to be fought for, at least with Money & Effort.

Numerologically, the numbers of spell cards also have meanings, as well as special value of foil cards & variety of types.

See also, if You wish: A Three of the Card 'Games'.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Power Duels: Dust & Energy Form.

Sometimes, in skilled minds, even small amount of Power is enough to win quickly large amount of Power - including Magickal Power.

One starts a Power Duel, according to the agreed rules - or without rules at all - and winner wins Power from defeated.

i think it's not very wise to take too much of power from someone, for too long - this causes depression & suicides, others might intervene.

For Magickal Duels i am using a self-developed method called a 'Dust & Energy Form', a well coordinated, moving union of Matter & Energy - both for defense, for offense & for utility.

Duels are usually one-to-one affairs, but there can be duels against Team, as well.

i usually work in a Team with Sangha, Friends & Allies - and with time others might join our Team.

We are together fighting for ideas, for protection, for wisdom, for compassion, for power, for sanity, etc ...