Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Revenants, who they are?

Revenants are relentless / pl: niestrudzeni, nieustępliwi / warriors, people who fight for a cause - either for a living being or for an idea - across potentially many lives.

Understanding Reincarnation & Bardo States is useful, as is wish to fight across potentially many lives.

Gaining proper combat abilities can be task for a few of lifetimes, then actual fight for a cause can commence.

Combat abilities learned in previous lifetimes manifest as natural talents in following lives, often noticeable since youth.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

How to Learn Telepathy.


"Because none of us can read others' Minds, let's talk and get to know each other."

What is Telepathy?

Telepathy means talking at distance, in mind. It's also about sharing thoughts.

Those who are on buddha way may find interresting that when thoughts are shared and observed by living beings, we can notice that observer, observed and the act of observation are close to being one whole, union. We are Mind, but are we thoughts?

There can be also other useful tricks related with telepathy - such as Mind Shield or Mental Blow - or other. Any idea about interacting and observing Mind(s) can be realized and learned. Spiritual practices as praying/wishing/casting can lead to learning and developing powers/tricks based on these ideas - just be specific about what you pray/wish/cast for.

The Ways.

Knowing others leads to shared feelings and foreseeing others actions - such as knowing a priori when friend will call us via phone or knowing how one's loved one feels - even at the distance.

Hint above - knowing others better & better over time - points to one of the ways to lerning telepathy: developing understanding and knowledge about others leads at first to intuitions about people in small, closed circles - but later it changes to hearing thoughts in head and grows in amount of people one can have telepathic contact with.

When one has developed in Telepathy, one doesn't get spammed with too many messages in head / except for some situations / - instead hears how groups feel/think/behave and how/what they do. Contact with specific people however still happens sometimes and can be wished for.

... i call this stage of telepathic development: 'Telepathic Awareness'.

Reading books, watching films, loving, spiritual practices / such as meditating together or praying for knowing others better /, etc. - can also be very effective way of getting to know others. One can also pray/wish/cast for telepathy power & skill as well.

Handling Dangers.

Learning & Mastering telepathy takes a lot of time, however. Reaching for too much in too short time results in one being 'overloaded' by too many thoughts.

Not all of telepathic contacts are friendly however ... and contact with these is not pleasant at all. This happens mostly when one's starting to hear voices in Mind ... with time & compassion efforts one's mind becomes calmer. By being compassionate one makes friends ... friends and students often protect one and take part of telepathic burdens to handle by themselves.

... more friends, more Power.

... so i advise making friends / including telepaths and empaths, but not only / and helping/protecting/rewarding them too - so they won't leave after losing patience.

... leaving chaos in head unattended can result in mental illness - in psychosis or even in schizophrenia.

Unfortunately many mentally ill people do not know the nature of their illness - i think it results from too many telepathic contacts who wish one harm. Also, thinking that telepathic contacts work via subconsciousness - so, we can say that mental ilness comes from 'dirt in one's subconsciousness'.

Beneficial telepathic thoughts also work via subconsciousness, but are healthy.

Useful Tricks.

... i think that after reaching stage of 'Telepathis Awareness' it's fairly safe to wish/pray/cast for skillful means, or useful tricks - related with telepathy.

Such tricks can include:

1. Communication.

2. Mind Shield that:
- more or less, depending on skill and power - can protect from unwanted telepathic contacts or even from telepathic attacks.

3. Mental Blow that - for example:
- can be used to attack someone's ego,
- can be used to attack someone's nervous system, for example to cause contraction in calf - making him/her fall on floor/ground,
- mental blow can be more or less nonlethal or lethal ... but seriously harming or killing someone results in terrible karma and in this case - in chaos in one's head that leads to mental ilness,
- mental blow use also can be act of compassion, for example: when one protects someone from harmful thought sources.

4. Suggestions - either:
- Gentle Suggestion / Seeding thoughts,
- Suggestion,
- Strong Suggestion / Domination.

With Seed Thoughts, thoughts appear in target's mind, then target rationalizes why he/she should obey seeded thoughts. In case of suggestion and domination, there's more of violent thoughts in target's mind.

Why use gentle suggestion, when one can just dominate? Weakest start means strongest end in a long run... and it's easier to get permission to use gentler power as well.

Weak power is also less strain on spell target's sanity, which means gentler karmic return (spells cause karma to return, so spellcaster suffers from karma he/she seeded as well).

5. Surface Thoughts Scan,

6. Deep Memory Scan,

7. Create Memories,

8. Delete Memories:
- erasing/removing too much or harming in other way results in very bad karma.

9. Modify Memories.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Lineages of my Students.

Those willing to learn Art of Magick & Light from me can try to join one of our Schools & Lineages.

Art of Magick & Light combines Magick / mostly witchcraft /, Buddhism, Wisdom & Arts.

... beside developing Wisdom, i advise showing acts of Compassion & making friends within Magickal & Buddhist circles. Friends often help and can add to one's Power(s). Without Power, spells and wishes have no meaning nor effect.

Betraying friends - aside from losing valuable company - the most often leads to these Power(s) turning against Traitor(s).

Our six Schools have names and art-focus as follows:

1. Braves:
- Combat,
- Martial Arts.

2. Visionaries:
- Skrying,
- Divination,
- Fortunetelling.

3. Femi.
- Mind,
- Apparitions,
- Beauty.

4. Radiants:
- Erotic Energies,
- Energies that convery information/inspiration at the distance,
- Energies that can be used in combat.

5. Inspirers:
- Leadership,
- Abstract Strategy,
- Versatile Arts,
- Art Related Theories.

6. Veil Piercers.
- Life,
- Death,
- Bardo States,
- Reincarnation,
- Time.

Initial contact preferably Telepathic.

See also, if You wish: How to Learn Telepathy.

Focus means spending at least 20% of learning time learning that way. Beside that, students are encouraged to learn from each other or even learn other ways - broadening their expertise.

Schools can be grouped in three pairs or two threes, group efforts & mutual learning in these are encouraged.

1.1. Radiant Lovers:
- Femi,
- Radiants.

1.2. Strategists:
- Visionaries,
- Inspirers.

1.3. Revenants:
- Braves,
- Veil Piercers.

2.1. Visionary Artist:
- Visionaries,
- Femi,
- Veil Piercers.

2.2. Protectors:
- Radiants,
- Inspirers,
- Braves.