Wednesday, February 28, 2024

A Little of the Art, of Magick & Light.

-=- Out from the Portal. -=-

Her name is: 'Astra' / Wisdom, From Stars /, she's a Deity of Love, Wisdom and the Art of Magick, she came from the Distant Stars.

I think that people can meditate on her and/or pray to her, to receive blessings.

Based on: [ 'A Light Within' on DeviantArt ].

Other Definitions:

def. Astral: from the greek word astrum, or 'star.' That which belongs to the incorporeal level of being, which is beyond the material or physical.

def. Astral Light: An omnipresent and all permeating fluid or medium of extremely subtle matter, this Light is diffused through all space, interpenetrating and pervading every visible form or object.

def. Astral Plane: An intermediate and invisible level of reality between the physical plane and the higher, more divine realms. It is the common boundary between the individual and noumenal reality. A nonphysical level of existence that is the basis of the physical plane.

-- Quoted from 'The Essential Golden Dawn. An Introduction to High Magic'
by Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero.

I've also read that Astral Plane is a World of Emotions & Imagination.
I think that Imagination is related to Visualization and to Illusions.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Selene & Selenite.


Selene is name of the enchanting Greek Goddess of the Moon, who brings light to the darkness of the night.

Daughter of Titans Hyperion and Theia, Selene illuminates our inner world and governs the rhythms of our lives.

Selene and Artemis were also associated with Hecate and all three were regarded as moon and lunar goddesses, but only Selene was regarded as the personification of the Moon itself.

Her equivalent in Roman religion and mythology is the goddess Luna.

Selene was/is worshipped at the new and full moons, and played an important role in love magick.

See also, if You wish:
> [ Selene on Wikipedia ],
> [ Luna on Wikipedia ],
> [ Artemis on Wikipedia ],
> [ Hecate on Wikipedia ].


Selene's name is forever linked with the powerful crystal Selenite, believed to hold her divine lunar energy.

(Well, in Buddhism we think that nothing lasts forever - except for Enlightenment, but this blog is about Witchcraft/Wicca & other Magick, and far less about Buddhism. I am not sure about Wiccan/Witchcraft's approach to eternity as well.)

This stunning, milky-white gemstone is known for its ability to cleanse, charge, and amplify the energy of other crystals.

It's convenient to keep quartz (or other) crystals in a Selenite bowl when they are not in use - so they are ready to be picked up and used when one needs, without prior preparations.

Less chores with purifying in salt/rice, less chores with charging.

(Selenite should be kept away from water because the Selenite dissolves in water, and because it is made up of a gypsum compound, it’s toxic).

Selenite bowl.

I've got a selenite bowl for cleansing & charging crystals (quartz crystals for now).

It's size is 6 cm x 6 cm. (It's small, can hold only 3 crystals).

-=- Empty Selenite Bowl. -=-
-=- Selenite Bowl with 3 Quartz Crystals. -=-

Friday, February 16, 2024



Magick is like a Sword.

When learning magick, first thing to learn is when to NOT use magick.

But then, second lesson is that it's wise to protect the weak ... so we can fight wisely.

... I advise using the 'Minimum Force Approach'.


Waving a wand is NOT like waving a spoon in the soup.

Magick is not meant to be used to conjure money and eat to one's full. But sometimes magicians do that, nevertheless.

One should use wand wisely, with a forethoughts. For example one can touch medicine with a wand, then one's forehead ... directing energies and avoiding making unneccessary and stupid moves in process.

Matrix Quote.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Charging Quartz Crystals.

a Quartz Crystal.
(Mountain Quartz, pl: 'Kryształ Górski').


Crystals are useful tools for working with energies, and - like a battery - can be charged and used to charge other things.

Crystals can also be charged with complete spells, and carried in a pocket until the conditions (defined in the process of spell preparation) make the spell 'fire' (start working). Smartphones with liquid crystal displays (LCD) can also store spells, but this can be tricky. Also - one should keep in mind that this practice (storing spells in crystals and/or smartphones) can be very dangerous. This use of crystals (to store spells) is worth another, full article.

Many things can be charged with energy - Sigils, TAROT cards, Other Symbols, Crystals, etc.

Charging a symbol connects the Symbol with One's Intent, and makes the Symbol to start working it's magick to fulfill the Intent.

Charged symbol (sigil or a tarot card for example) can be destroyed (by burning for example) to make it work for one purpose then cease - this helps magick to fade from consciousness to one's unconscious.

'First you must learn the craft of magick.
Then forget the craft and embody the art of living through Do'.

-- Quoted from 'Mage: the Ascension', it's Akashic Brotherhood's Motto.

Do means 'The Way', 'Way of Life' - it's popular idea in Martial Arts and in Buddhism.

The whole point of destroying it is because the objective is to implant it into the UNCONSCIOUS and remove it from the conscious mind. Destroying it is the first step in this. Like with many examples of other magick (or perhaps even in all magickal practices), you perform your working, give thanks that it's already done, then walk away and forget about it.

... or if we want magick of a symbol to work continuously, we don't destroy it but put in a proper place in one's apartment/home. We need to recharge symbol once a while (usually once in a month).

Charged quartz crystals can be put on a symbol (Sigil, TAROT card, etc...) to charge the symbol. Quartz crystals are like batteries and amplifiers that hold and release one's own energies.

(Quartz has a property called piezoelectricity, meaning it can generate its own power. That's why Crystal radios came to be, the quartz crystals functioned as a sort of battery to power the radio. Crystal is an amplifier).

See also, if You wish:
> [ Piezoelectricity on Wikipedia ].

Cleansing Energies in Quartz crystals.

Quartz Crystals can be buried in Rice or Salt (for 24 hours), to cleanse the Crystals from harmful energies.

Putting them in a Selenite bowl has similar effect (for more details - see below, in charging quartz crystals section of this article).

Charging a Quartz Crystals.

One can charge crystals (or anything else that needs to be charged) with one's own energies by sitting in a comfortable position (preferably on floor or on a cushion in a crosslegged position - like during meditation), holding crystal in fingers of both hands, then visualizing light entering body with breath and going to lower belly and then exhaling breath and visualizing the light/breath flowing from belly through one's body and through hands and fingers to the crystal. One should keep breathing to inhale and exhale the energies, for as long as one's intuition tells.

I've also read a mention in the Internet that a symbol can be charged by surrounding it with burning candles, or by putting it on a smartphone when it's connected to a battery charger.

As for Selenite bowls, i've learned that Selenite bowls both purify and charge quartz crystals. It's convenient to keep quartz crystals in a Selenite bowl when they are not in use - so they are ready to be picked up and used when one needs, without prior preparations. Less chores with purifying in salt/rice, less chores with charging.

(Selenite bowls should be kept away from water because the Selenite dissolves in water, and because it is made up of a gypsum compound, it’s toxic).


See also, if You wish:
> [ Selene & Selenite ].

Friday, February 9, 2024

Mercury, Quicksilver, Messenger of Deities.


Mercury is a chemical element; it has symbol Hg and atomic number 80. It is a silvery looking liquid metal known as quicksilver and was formerly named hydrargyrum from the Greek words hydor (water) and argyros (silver). It has fast molecular motion and mobility.

In a polish language, Mercury is known as: 'Rtęć' and quicksilver is translated as: 'żywe srebro'.

Greek deity known as Hermes was known as Thoth in Egypt, and as Mercury in Rome. Deity who served as a messenger to other deities.

Mercury's name is shared with name of the nearest planet to the sun, a planet that was noted for it's speed and mobility.


Three to four times a year, the planet Mercury appears to travel backward across the sky. We refer to these periods as times when Mercury is in apparent retrograde motion or simply ”Mercury retrograde.”

In reality, the Earth briefly overtakes Mercury in its orbit.

Since Mercury rules communication, information and travel, the retrograde period is said to affect these areas.

More of communication problems, but also time to revert and correct recent mistakes.

Blog author's observation.

Hermes - as deities' messenger - has to be quick, has to quickly deliver information.

In modern days, the Internet is medium that allows to communicate quickly even at longer distances.

Is the Internet a part of Hermes' attributes, a part of 'it's portfolio'?

... personally, I think: 'Yes'.