Monday, September 9, 2019

Spiritual Gifts, Spiritual Burden ... Telepathy as an Example.

... i've read wise words that too many, too advanced spiritual gifts, esoteric powers are like chains and ball attached to leg.

... nothing comes for free, there's always price and responsibility.

... just because telepathic powers awaken in someone ... does not mean that he or she was granted opportunity to be among 'elite secret rulers of the world'.

... telepathy should serve society, instead of being 'a tool, means of being tyrant ruler of the world'.

... i think it's best to use spiritual gifts in a team, and when team is upset ... one will be punished ... in case of telepathy, one can suffer 'attack of insane thoughts', for example ... in case of empathy, one can 'feel depressed', 'feel paranoid fear', 'be too afraid to leave home for years' ... or 'feel mania' for example. ... while 'pleasant feeling' ... mania, sooner or later leads to 'detachment from reality', to 'losing reason' ... for example: 'careless money spending, selling apartment', etc.

... there are delusions as well - just because something appears in mind, it does not mean that it's true ... but sometimes is true, nevertheless ... i think there are 'abusive telepaths' and 'other jerks' that make beginners/fools believe that voices in their mind/soul are voices of god/satan/buddha etc.

... i've learned from psychologists in psychiatric hospital that 'distance & criticism' to one's own insanity are important tools, help to 'handle real life', despite symptoms ... my experiences say that while not infailible, these tools are very useful still.

... telepathy is 'secret means of communication', 'communication at shorter or longer distance' when one wishes to use 'reasonable words', ... in theory one can compare internet messaging, emails, etc ... encrypted or not ... as well as hiding behind corner and using hushed words, etc ... as 'metaphorical, reasonable telepathy', to not be put in psychiatric hospital, for example.

... but let's be wary of what one says/writes ... and when one is ready - what one thinks, what mental choices one makes, ... as there are many traps and tricks still.

... when someone really needs, using words this way can lead to 'true telepathy', 'mind contact' as well, i think.

... but telepathy should serve society, transform and purify harmful mind states in oneself and others.

... when 'insane thoughts' of 'others' overwhelm 'telepath', it's insanity ... it's painful service and responsibility/challenge to transform thinking of 'primitive jerks' while suffering from their abuses, but that's how one can accumulate merit and experiences ... or it's punishment form, i think.

... i think it's sometimes worth to lose 'false merit' and accumulate 'differet, truer merit'.

... when 'beneficial thoughts' of 'others' inspire and educate ... it's insight, it's blessing and reward.

... yes, it's both stick and carrot ... as any of spiritual powers, i think.

/ en: 'merit' = pl: 'zasługa'; en: 'merit accumulation' = pl: 'gromadzenie zasługi';
en: 'false merit' = pl: 'fałszywa zasługa' /.

... the more experiences and true merit one accumulates, the more powerful one becomes ... greater powers, greater challenges as well, i think.

... etc.

... i think telepathy is not so rare as many think ... i think at least 30% of society, perhaps even 70% of society are awakened telepaths, at least a little.

... intuition is related with telepathy as well, i think.

... telepathy works through subconsciousness as well, i think.

... and yes, there are means of attacking others and other 'combat/utility' tricks possible ... but usually 'mere' mystic education via telepathic insights is enough ... this education can teach anything, not only about esoterics, magick, withchraft, spirituality, etc. ... one's wishes/prayers/spells still matter ... but are not always granted immediately ... it's choice of many beings, under spiritual authorities, as well ... not only buddhism, wicca/witchcraft & catholic church.

... i could say 'mantras matter as well', but i do not want to put too much emphasis on buddhism ... other spiritual ways are also important, and i think my part of buddhism is too abusive, too closed to other ways - therefore 'that part of society' is not ready.

... i've learned a lot about spiritual love, spirituality, arts, computer sciences, and other things - via telepathic insight as well, i think.

... i think 'mind contact with a love partner', 'understanding each other without words' is beautiful experience ... especially when combined with empathy.

... one should be careful what one wishes for, for wishes come true ... usually later than one wants, however.
