Thursday, December 12, 2019

Attacking someone's Ego-Barrier with Geometrical Symbols & Numerology.


There are Beings & Phenomena.

Symbols represent ideas, symbols are used in magick as well.

Buddhist definition of a Being - either living, or in bardo-state related with reincarnation - is that it has Mind.

Buddhist definition of a Phenomenon is that it does not have Mind.

... is 'Sacred Geometry' a part of Numerology?

... i think it is, as Geometry is important part of Mathematics ... and what is Numerology if not Spirituality & Mathematics together?

Symbolic representation of a being with Ego-Barrier.

A being can be represented as a circle in a square, where:
- a circle represents a being,
- a square represents 'Ego Barrier' that protects one's identity, but also is in a way a jail for one's awareness ... why a square? ... because it can be understood as 'cell-block', a 'prison', a 'cage', 'matrix'.

A Being with 'Ego Barrier'.

'Ego Barrier' can be broken, thus is represented here above as an 'Open Square' ... this shows potential for liberation from 'Ego-Barrier' jail ... and allows one to believe easier, stronger.

Belief, Imagination, Visualization, Spells, Mantras & Prayers have power, that can be used here.

Attacking Ego-Barrier.

Attacking Ego-Barrier can be either:
- a means of defending oneself,
- a means of freeing someone from Ego-Barrier jail,
- occasionally both of above.

... How to attack someone's Ego-Barrier?
... i think the way is to Curse someone's Ego.

... How?

Well, some theory at first:

A Number of '3' is associated with:
- 'rule of 3',
- 'power',
- 'danger', ... a triangle is explained as 'Dangerous Form' in 'Great Seal' Buddhist Book by Lama Ole Nydahl,
- 'something that is being developed' ... so with time it gains in meaning and power,

A Number of '6' is associated with:
- a 'hex', a 'curse',
- also with bless.

... sometimes curses transform to bless, bless sometimes transforms to a curse - depending how relations between cursed & curse's caster evolve.

There's a shape that represent curse that gains in power with time:

a 'Tri-Hex', a hex that escalates with time.

Completion, the Practice.

Now that we got some theoretical introduction, let's consider visualizing a shape within someone's symbolic representation:

'Tri-Hex' at 'Ego-Barrier'.

... with time it's a growing pressure from within at one's ego, that eventually 'bursts & explodes', i think.

It may be useful to imagine, visualize, speak - either quietly, in Mind - or aloud - attacked egoist's 'name',
... so it's easier to precisely direct curse at someone specific.

... or one can use abstract names, that attack Ego-Barriers of more than one being.

... there's also possibility of imagining a certain parts of one's ego ... perhaps using 'objects-graph' visualization approach to one's complexes, structures in psyche.

... but this requires learning efforts about about one to be cursed.

... 'objects graphs' are data structures in Computer Sciences, can be used to model one's psyche, mind-soul,
i think.

Where it Leads?

... 'inferiority complex', 'mania complex' are 'structures' in psyche ... these are part of one's ego / self.

... attacking someone's ego can free one from inferiority complexes, or can be used beneficially to destroy one's mania, i think.

... etc.

... attacking someone's psyche should be done with care ... its easy to harm someone that way and spiritual/karmic consequences are terrible.

... but when one's prepared to carry on with support after attack, it can be very beneficial, i think, as well.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

'Virtual Adept's' Low Magick: 'A few lines of Code'.

Can code be magickal?

Every of Witch/Magician's tools is magickal ... including computers.

Regarding 'numerical symbolism' used in this code:

108 number is holy in Buddhism:
- Holy number of 108, bits & trits.

About Numerology:
- Numerology.

Esoterics-wise, '3×7×11' is 'three times seven times eleven', is 'greater curse', and/or 'greater bless':
- Numerology, Blessings & Curses,
- Power Numbers & Symbolic Meanings,
- Blessings, Curses, Transformations.

'Every blessing is curse, every curse is blessing'.

... cursing enemies protects friends/lovers etc ... but not only that way curse can be a bless, i think,
... when someone abuses, blessing can transform into a curse and enhance bad karma, as well, i think.


... click image below to see / edit code on JDoodle.

- A few lines of Code on DeviantART,
- A few lines of Code on Project Wraithstar.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Spiritual Gifts, Spiritual Burden ... Telepathy as an Example.

... i've read wise words that too many, too advanced spiritual gifts, esoteric powers are like chains and ball attached to leg.

... nothing comes for free, there's always price and responsibility.

... just because telepathic powers awaken in someone ... does not mean that he or she was granted opportunity to be among 'elite secret rulers of the world'.

... telepathy should serve society, instead of being 'a tool, means of being tyrant ruler of the world'.

... i think it's best to use spiritual gifts in a team, and when team is upset ... one will be punished ... in case of telepathy, one can suffer 'attack of insane thoughts', for example ... in case of empathy, one can 'feel depressed', 'feel paranoid fear', 'be too afraid to leave home for years' ... or 'feel mania' for example. ... while 'pleasant feeling' ... mania, sooner or later leads to 'detachment from reality', to 'losing reason' ... for example: 'careless money spending, selling apartment', etc.

... there are delusions as well - just because something appears in mind, it does not mean that it's true ... but sometimes is true, nevertheless ... i think there are 'abusive telepaths' and 'other jerks' that make beginners/fools believe that voices in their mind/soul are voices of god/satan/buddha etc.

... i've learned from psychologists in psychiatric hospital that 'distance & criticism' to one's own insanity are important tools, help to 'handle real life', despite symptoms ... my experiences say that while not infailible, these tools are very useful still.

... telepathy is 'secret means of communication', 'communication at shorter or longer distance' when one wishes to use 'reasonable words', ... in theory one can compare internet messaging, emails, etc ... encrypted or not ... as well as hiding behind corner and using hushed words, etc ... as 'metaphorical, reasonable telepathy', to not be put in psychiatric hospital, for example.

... but let's be wary of what one says/writes ... and when one is ready - what one thinks, what mental choices one makes, ... as there are many traps and tricks still.

... when someone really needs, using words this way can lead to 'true telepathy', 'mind contact' as well, i think.

... but telepathy should serve society, transform and purify harmful mind states in oneself and others.

... when 'insane thoughts' of 'others' overwhelm 'telepath', it's insanity ... it's painful service and responsibility/challenge to transform thinking of 'primitive jerks' while suffering from their abuses, but that's how one can accumulate merit and experiences ... or it's punishment form, i think.

... i think it's sometimes worth to lose 'false merit' and accumulate 'differet, truer merit'.

... when 'beneficial thoughts' of 'others' inspire and educate ... it's insight, it's blessing and reward.

... yes, it's both stick and carrot ... as any of spiritual powers, i think.

/ en: 'merit' = pl: 'zasługa'; en: 'merit accumulation' = pl: 'gromadzenie zasługi';
en: 'false merit' = pl: 'fałszywa zasługa' /.

... the more experiences and true merit one accumulates, the more powerful one becomes ... greater powers, greater challenges as well, i think.

... etc.

... i think telepathy is not so rare as many think ... i think at least 30% of society, perhaps even 70% of society are awakened telepaths, at least a little.

... intuition is related with telepathy as well, i think.

... telepathy works through subconsciousness as well, i think.

... and yes, there are means of attacking others and other 'combat/utility' tricks possible ... but usually 'mere' mystic education via telepathic insights is enough ... this education can teach anything, not only about esoterics, magick, withchraft, spirituality, etc. ... one's wishes/prayers/spells still matter ... but are not always granted immediately ... it's choice of many beings, under spiritual authorities, as well ... not only buddhism, wicca/witchcraft & catholic church.

... i could say 'mantras matter as well', but i do not want to put too much emphasis on buddhism ... other spiritual ways are also important, and i think my part of buddhism is too abusive, too closed to other ways - therefore 'that part of society' is not ready.

... i've learned a lot about spiritual love, spirituality, arts, computer sciences, and other things - via telepathic insight as well, i think.

... i think 'mind contact with a love partner', 'understanding each other without words' is beautiful experience ... especially when combined with empathy.

... one should be careful what one wishes for, for wishes come true ... usually later than one wants, however.


Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Are Magick, Esoterics, ... insanely dangerous? Can one turn into a vegetable?

... yes, there's such possibility.


... how to be a vegetable wisely?

... well, it is said that one is what one eats.

... are vegetarians vegetables?


... but still, in too many cases magick, esoterics, ..., lead to insanity - i think main danger is ego inflation.

... in the hermetic order of the golden dawn book, one is advised to cooperate with psychologist(s), as one practices magick.


... but yes, the dangers are real.

... this blog author is also insane, visits psychologists, psychoterapists, and psychoterapists more or less regularly.


... but not every magician, occultist or esoteric is insane - i think most are not.

... i think esoterics are insanely dangerous, but many need it ... is it wise to ignore so many beings?

... as far as i remember, if i am not wrong - in polish edition of Lama Ole Nydahl's book, it's also written that esoterics are insanely dangerous.

... for a more, see if you wish or need, ...: [ Empiric Madness ].

Monday, July 1, 2019

'Brace Yourself Dorothy, ... it's not Kansas anymore' - Solar/Lunar Eclipse Tomorrow.

The Title.

... it's a slightly transformed/customized quote from the 'Matrix' film.

... in psychology, 'self' is: 'we', a form of unity, so nice cooperation is emphasized.

... 'self' / pl: 'jaźń' / is not the same as 'i' / pl: 'ego' /, i think.

... 'large' ego is internally-conflicted, i think.

... 'large' self is internally-united, i think.

2 VII 2019, The Night during Daytime and Nighttime.

... it's the time of Solar Eclipse, of Dark Moon, as well.

... quite rare occasion, when Black Magick Completes.

... quite rare occasion, when Light starts to appear.

... numerologically, it's meaningful - light karma emphasized ... but moon is still dark:
> month is 7th, the luck in midst,
> day and year evaluate to 14, 2+2+1+9 is 14, the luck, the happy couple, etc.

... in buddhism, moon phases are very important, at least, as well.


... prepare for combat, finish foes, start seeding light, start seeding good karma.

... it's only advice, it's not order, i don't force anything.


Saturday, June 1, 2019

The Golden Dawn's Magick & Spiritual-Physical Exercises.

A Quote.

'It is vitally important that in the quest to exalt the health of the Spirit, the student does not neglect the health of the body.

Physical well-being and endurance are essential to the magician who wishes to perform lengthy rituals as well as Astral work.

During this probationary period, the student should begin a regular discipline of exercise to maintain physical fitness.

We leave the choice of exercise to the individual student;

... swimming, biking, jogging, martial arts, aerobics, yoga or some other.

Israel Regardie recommended that the student perform certain exercises that are designed to raise both the physical and psychic vitality of the practitioner.

They are taken from a small pamphlet by Peter Kelder called The Five Rites of Rejuvenation. or The Eye of Revelation.

These exercises can also be found in Donald Michael Kraig's book Modern Magick (pages 222-229).

Whatever form of exercise is undertaken, the student should never overwork to the point of strain.

If one is not used to exercise, begin slowly and gradually.

If health concerns are an issue, consult a doctor before commencing any form of physical exertion.'

-- Quoted & Reshaped from 'Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition' book by Chic Cicero & Sandra Tabatha Cicero.

Monday, May 27, 2019

How uneducated society can defeat Technologically & Scientifically Advanced Technocracy?

... it's old truth, i think.

... it's not so hopeless as many think, but pain and effort is still extreme, and very long.

... shortest way is to sell oneself into slavery, serve and learn and lull opressors into decadency.

... then incinte revolt(s) and/or mutiny, after planning, plotting and preparations, including insidious treachery.

... sooner or later opressors will suspect, but probably are already too lazy to resign from luxuries and too long life.

Related 'Quotes':

1. 'live fast, die young',
2. 'if everyone is that way, i'll be lazy as well - especially if my slaves will fight against my rival's slaves'.


Anything can be science, even 'herbalism' and 'spirituality', i think.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Mysteries of the Forest.

... i feel mistreated by Buddhism & Martial Arts - by most, but not all.

... i think that friends allow one to develop, realize potential.

... i suspect that 'buddhist & martial arts friends' deny me development in physical aspects of Martial Arts - therefore they are not friends, even if they are buddhists, even if they are Martial Artists.

... i've started to hate parts of Martial Arts, and started to hate parts of Buddhism, not only Zen.

Cradle of Zen Buddhism and all of Martial Arts is Shaolin Temple in Henan Province, China - followers of Bodhidharma's lessons.

'Shaolin' means 'Young Forest'.

Forests, Woods and Trees can be compared with Disturbing Emotions, i read - if i remember and understand correctly.

Buddhism is Ancient, existed far before Buddha Shakyamuni appearance in India, before He reached Enlightenment, i think.

Shaolin has many-centuries of tradition, and names also hold the power.

... i suspect that their Combat, Spirituality and Forest-Survival methods are the strongest in the World.

... i've started to learn the Forest Witchcraft to Counter the Shaolin, because of my hatred, because i feel denied Martial Arts Physical Development, because i feel denied Tantojutsu & Tantodo lessons of the knife combat.

... i've also played with a computer game and it's ideas ... game is named 'Cultist Simulator', and included ideas of the 'Career, Work Abuses, Advancement, Work on Reasonable or Unreasonable Terms, Funds', 'Dark Forest', 'Mirror of Glory', 'Cult & Recruitment', 'Erudition', 'Vivid Imagination', 'Lure of Power', 'Meditations, Sensuality & Enlightenment', 'Reading Sentimental Books, Reading Newspapers', 'Exploration', 'Crimes, Notoriety, Detectives & Jail', 'Framing Partners into Jail', 'Auctions & Treasures: both Acquisition and Sale', 'Books', 'Mysteries', 'Art', 'Reason', 'Passion', 'Sane or Insane Victory', 'Dread', 'Depression', 'Health & Sicknesses', 'Oriflamme', etc ...

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Starcraft Zodiac & a Curse/Bless.

... is it a real magick?

... perhaps a little ... but it's mostly occult & other arts, anecdotes & entertainment - see blog's subtitle.

... entertainment still affects mind.

... a part of 'Art of Magick & Light', art style i am creating.


Zodiac is a collection of Stars.

As they shine and wane, they affects beings below.

... which of Star(s) You're betting on?

... ;)

... i do not promise anything, it's just anecdote. ;)


1. Random mission,
2. Barriers on Ulnar,
3. Night of the infected,
4. Amon's Reaping,
5. Cradle of Death,
6. Rak'Shir on Slayn,
7. Waste & rule,
8. Stettman in vapors,
9. Molochs on Char,
10. Rifts on Korhal,
11. Evacuation of Miners,
12. Straight into Abyss,
13. Temple of the past,
14. Digital War,
15. Vermillion's Problem,
16. Express into Abyss.


1. Numerology, Blessings & Curses,
2. Blessings, Curses, Transformations,
3. Power Numbers & Symbolic Meanings.

Update 23.04.2019, 22:20 Central European Time:

Nova won following scenarios:

1. Night of the infected. / better health for us, worse health for enemies. /
2. Evacuation of Miners. / better resource protection for us, more resource risks for enemies. /
3. Digital War. / tech advantage for us, tech advantage reduction for enemies. /
4. Cradle of Death. / better training, education & preparation for combat for us, worse training for enemies. /

Update 24.04.2019, 10:50 Central European Time:

Zeratul won following scenarios:

1. Temple of the past. / better power of history, archaeology, antiquities, artifacts & relics for us, less for enemies. /
2. Amon's Reaping. / better energy recovery & use for us, worse for enemies. ... energy use allows to conjure beings, not only good and/or evil; also - not only conjuration.
3. Barriers on Ulnar. / Fortifying and Taking over Protective Barriers, not only material, for our advantage, and enemies' disadvantage. Stabilization / Destabilization, as well. /

... replays: click.


... ?

Nova is level 6.

... does curse / bless work?

... i suspect it does, even if weakly for now. ;)

Zeratul is level 3.

... did empowerment increase?

Notable Achievements:

P.S. '6' & '3' is '9, greater power' ... or if we must it's '3' of '6' ... '666'. ;) ... quite a powerful cipher, i think.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Madame Blavatsky.

Madame Blavatsky.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was a Russian occultist, philosopher, and author who co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875.

She gained an international following as the leading theoretician of Theosophy, the esoteric religion that the society promoted.

Informally, she is also widely known as Madame Blavatsky.

She wrote numerous books on Occult and Esoteric Science like ( the secret doctrine, Isis unveiled, The key to theosophy, the voice of the silent and many more).

Blavatsky was a controversial figure during her lifetime, championed by supporters as an enlightened guru and derided as a fraudulent charlatan and plagiarist by critics.

Her theosophical doctrines influenced the spread of Hindu and Buddhist ideas in the West as well as the development of Western esoteric currents like Ariosophy, Anthroposophy, and the New Age Movement.

She died of influenza.

1831 to 1891.

About blog's author.

... i am also buddhist, mystic-mage, eastern mystic, even that i live in europe, poland.

... instead of Theosophy, i should study Henosis & Henology, when i am ready, when i can.

... i do not wish to 'convert' anyone from their ways, i do not wish to turn the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn away from the Western thoughts & spirituality.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Sabbats & Esbats in Wicca.


The Wheel of the Year is a Neo-pagan term used to describe the annual cycle of the Earth's seasons, and it tells the story of the life of the God and Goddess. While some traditions refer to the God as the consort or companion of the Goddess, they are most often viewed as equals. Neither is complete without the other.

In this cycle, the God (Sun) is reborn each Yule, (Winter Solstice) after the longest night of the year. As the days become longer, he grows in power and warms the cold Earth. She awakens from her slumber to renew and flourish.

Then on Litha (Summer Solstice), the God once again begins to weaken and the days grow shorter. As the Sun's power slowly fades, the Earth falls asleep and waits for his rebirth on the next Winter Solstice.

Our ancestors adjusted their lives to these seasonal changes. They followed both the solar and lunar cycles of the year.

These ever-changing cycles became known as the Wheel of the Year. There are eight Sabbats. Four of them, sometimes referred to as the Greater Sabbats, are based on old Celtic festivals. The other four, or lesser Sabbats, are based on the first days of the four seasons. These are also known as solstices and equinoxes. A solstice is the time of year when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky, marking the longest and shortest days of the year. In the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice is celebrated around June 21, when the sun reaches its northernmost point on the celestial sphere. The winter solstice happens around December 22. Due to seasonal differences, these celebrations are reversed in the southern hemisphere.

The word equinox is derived from the Latin equus (equal) and nox (night). An equinox happens twice a year when night and day are about the same length. The Sun is crossing the Equator (an imaginary line around the middle of the Earth) and it is an equal distance from the North Pole and the South Pole. Since summer and winter seasons are opposite on either side of the equator in the northern hemisphere the equinox in September is known as the "autumnal (fall) equinox". However, in the southern hemisphere, September is the time of the "spring (vernal) equinox". Although astronomically the solstices and equinoxes mark the beginning of the seasons, to our ancestors, they actually represented the midpoint of each season. This is why October 31 to November 1 (Samhain) was traditionally celebrated as the end of fall and the beginning of winter, while the Winter solstice was considered the midpoint of winter. Spring began on February 2 (Imbolc), summer on May 1 (Beltane), and autumn on August 1 (Lughnasadh or Lammas). It’s important to note that these dates are not the same around the world. The Sabbat dates in this book are for the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere these festivals are commonly shifted by six months to match the local seasons. You will want to adjust your celebrations accordingly.

Keeping in tune with nature’s cycles may sound a bit complicated, but it’s not. The bottom line is to simply celebrate the change in seasons and enjoy whatever activity is appropriate for the current time of year in YOUR part of the world. And don’t make your rituals too complicated. They should be fun and a true expression of thankfulness for what is to come. Your Sabbat celebrations and Esbat rituals should always express your love and appreciation for nature. Be sure to give thanks for all the little blessings in your life, like the soft grass beneath your feet, the colorful flowers in your garden or an old tree that provides you with shelter from the weather. Being grateful for the blessings we have already received can cast a transforming blanket of joy and peace over our mundane life experiences.

In Wicca, the "THREE-FOLD LAW OF RETURN" or “LAW OF THREE” teaches that whatever we do, for good or ill, will be returned to us threefold. Thus, the very act of sending thoughts and feelings of gratitude out will guarantee that you’ll have even more to be grateful about in the future. The more things you find to be thankful for, the faster new Divine blessings will start flowing into your life. This is a well-known Universal Law also referred to as the Law of Attraction!

If your rituals seem empty because you simply memorize words and perform activities that have no meaning to you, there is not much benefit in doing them. One reader shared with me that she did not need a special altar or a certain color candle for special occasions. All she needed was to be outside and concentrate on a flower, a star, the moon, the warmth of the sun, the cool earth, or listen to some rippling water to feel connected to all that grows and lives. This person is simply doing what feels right to her. It’s up to you whether you celebrate the seasons or not, but if you do, choose activities, rituals and/or foods that make each occasion enjoyable for YOU. Tip: If you miss the exact day or time that a Sabbat is normally celebrated, it's not the end of the world. What's MOST important is to celebrate when you can. Strive continually to balance your life with the rhythms of the natural world. Every time you stop to observe nature's cycles and take part in an activity that honors the change in the season, the ordinary becomes extraordinary and your life becomes more magical.'

-- Zoe, Kardia. 'Living Wicca Today Pagan Holidays & Earth Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Wiccan Traditions and Practices' (pp. 12-14).


'Esbats & Moon Lore The face of the Moon doth change its aspect, yet is ever the same; . As the Holy Law doth reveal a different face to each of the Children of Light, yet is unchanged in its essence.'

-- Zoe, Kardia. 'Living Wicca Today Pagan Holidays & Earth Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Wiccan Traditions and Practices' (p. 54).

'While solar activity is the basis for Sabbat celebrations, Esbats are gatherings and rituals that are traditionally scheduled around the cycles of the Moon.

This is a popular time for initiation ceremonies, healing magic or other rituals that involve the lunar activity of the moon and are traditionally associated with the feminine energy or the Goddess.

Lunar observance and ritual are an important part of the Wiccan religion. During an Esbat, time is usually set aside to honor the God and Goddess. However, because the Moon is a symbol of the Goddess, some traditions may focus only on the feminine aspect of the Divine. The bottom line is there is no single, preferred way to celebrate an Esbat. Let your heart guide you and do whatever you feel most comfortable with.

The cycle of the Moon has traditionally been connected with the Triple Goddess. Her three aspects include the Maiden (Crescent Moon), the Mother (Full Moon), and the Crone (Dark Moon). Two specific energy paths are also linked to the moon cycle. These are waning (decreasing) and waxing (increasing).

Finally, there are thirteen Moons in a calendar year, and each is connected with a different type of energy, based on the season.

If this sounds complicated, just remember that it all boils down to simply following the increasing or decreasing energy of the moon and the natural flow of the seasons. When it comes to the seasons, we all know that it's best to work with Mother Nature, so we plant in the spring and harvest in the fall. The same logic applies when working with the cycles of the moon.  If you want to decrease, banish or remove a problem, many believe it is best to tackle that issue between the Full Moon and the New Moon, while the moon is waning or decreasing. The day or night of the New Moon is considered the strongest for banishing. On the other hand, spells or magic for increase, growth, and gain should be done after the New Moon, while it is waxing or increasing. The day or night of the Full Moon is considered the most powerful for increasing energy work. This type of Moon magic is ancient, and it is still practiced today.   Our ancestors knew that everyone was affected by the power of the Moon and they used Her influence to better their lives.  Those who practiced magic would use various lunar cycles to enhance their spells and rituals, tapping into the larger amounts of energy they believed existed during this time.  The mystical influence of the Moon is still acknowledged today by most Wiccan and Pagan groups and many plan their activities around the cycles of the moon, as they feel this gives their spellwork, healing or magical rituals a little additional energy.'

-- Zoe, Kardia. 'Living Wicca Today Pagan Holidays & Earth Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Wiccan Traditions and Practices' (pp. 55-56).