Saturday, March 19, 2022

Demon of Chernobyl.

... i've got hinted by a friend.

... i don't know how much truth it is.

... esoterics lore is full of misleading information and lies, so it's important to be cautious, aware, conscious - and check as much as possible; this article is no exception to that rule as well.

... how to check? by developing wisdom in mind, with intent that this wisdom is for this purpose.

... how to develop wisdom? just invoke wisdom to Your mind, by saing word 'Wisdom' in mind or aloud. With this intent, of course; This wisdom often appears after that some time passess - not immediately. But will happen sooner or later, in mind.

What word 'Chernobyl' means?

It has at least two meanings:

1. Chernobyl means: 'wormwood', it's a herb used in Witchcraft among other things.
2. Second meaning is made of two parts:
- 'Cher' means: 'Queen of Snakes', a demon's name. Snakes are related with poison and nuclear radiation is a form of poisoning. Snakes are similar to worms.
- 'Nobyl' is a spell, incantation of invoking demon. In this case it was invoked to a circle, to trap it there.

There's a story:
- When Russia was more esoteric, Demon Queen was invoked to a place that it jailed her.
- Later that place was called: 'Chernobyl',
- Then Nuclear Plant was created there.
- Cher used technique called: 'Elephant Foot', it's said that 'Elephant Foot' is most destructive thing in the world.
- In Chernobyl Nuclear Plant there was 'accident' caused by Cher - Concrete block fell down on reactor, like Elephan Foot's stomp, and caused explosion.
- Cher was freed.

... i've had insight(s) that a future samurai was born in Japan, samurai who will defeat Cher.

... Demoness flees from him - if he kills her she's done - if she kills him, she will be defeated even more by others - at greater cost however.

... i've had insight(s) that Cher is related with shadow of now-dead important buddhist spiritual leader; his shadow was created by abuses and mistakes of using his efficient lessons. by defeating Cher he will be partly defeated as well.

... i've had insights that other samurais are/will be born to defeat other forms of shadows of this venerable teacher; his main form will be defeated as well.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Age of Aquarius.

Age of Aquarius / pl: Era Wodnika / is the time when occult and supernatural things thrive.

... when i hear 'age of aquarius is coming' ... i think: '... still is coming?', 'when it will arrive?'.

... perhaps its a promise ... words used to open someone's thinking to the word of occult.

... i was thinking that if someone is initiated enough he/she will hear: 'age of aquarius arrived'.

After saying that, a fact:

Pluto moves into Aquarius 2023.
'interresting times' as chinese would say.

There's chinese curse: 'May you live in interesting times'.

While seemingly a blessing, the expression is normally used ironically; life is better in 'uninteresting times' of peace and tranquility than in 'interesting' ones, which are usually times of trouble.

Times of troubles are also times of opportunity, let's not forget that.