Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Three Rules of Gunfighting (Abstracted).


... i've heard this from an U.S. Army Soldier, a friend.

Found it to be quite entertaining and wise.


1. Aim low, let recoil carry you up,
2. Bring to fight a long gun, like adult,
3. Bring to fight your adult friends, with long guns.


Word 'abstraction' means: 'generalization'.

What is a 'long gun' abstracted?

- at a short distance, 'long gun' might be a pistol or knife - for it gives advantage against long-ranged weapons as for example sniper rifle,
- ability to sneak around can be considered 'long gun' in certain situations,
- courage & fearlessness are 'long guns' as well,
- tactics & strategy can be considered 'long guns' as well,
- 'long gun' might be a curse spell, when used against foes unprepared for fight against Magick,
- ...

'Aiming low', and 'carry up' can be abstracted as well. ;)

... see also if you wish:
- Chasing the Sun.