Sunday, September 23, 2018

Affirmations to Balance Inner Alchemy of Elements.


Affirmations can empower one's life's aspects.

By empowering proper words, one can gain control of inner alchemy of one's elements, i think.

... for elemental correspondences, see, if You wish: Elemental Correspondences.


My Main Goal in Life (this & more) is Enlightened Love & Enlightenment.

Spirituality (Eastern & Western) is the Way.


i can think.

i understand information-related science, and magickal correspondences.


i have an iron will.

I am 100% dedicated to succeeding.


i am on the way of understanding feminine feelings, associated with the element of Water.

Martial Arts' -wise: 'i'll flow as Water, feeling as a woman, and almost not as a man.'


Earth's Protection is an important foundation, and little else of Earth matters.

Malkuth Sepiroth matters still, as well as the Power to Manifest Spells of my Triple Moon Guardian Pentacle Pendant, of Godess's Wings.


* Five Rings.


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Candle Magick.


Candle magic is an ancient art and it is the most widely used magic practiced today.

Blowing out candles on a birthday cake, is also an act of candle magic - but most of people do not know this. Candles on a cake are put in a circle, to resemble moon.

The candle itself is a very powerful magical tool it contains all the basic elements: earth, wind, fire and water, earth is represented in the wax, water the melted wax, the flame fire and the air is the smoke.

The different colours also represent either a yin female or yang male energy, yellow is yin, green is yang, blue is yin and red is yang.

If during your ritual you need a lot of power, light multiple candles.

Magical tips on candles.

It’s always a good idea to clean candles, this will strengthen their power.

... i've read that candles should be light using matches, not a cigarette lighter. i do not know how important this is, however.

Candles prefer not to be blown out, but to be put out using a toll or wet fingertips, blowing out the candle may insult the element.

It is best to use a different candle for each magical purpose, if you are using a red candle for love and a white one for healing, keep them separate.

A white candle is symbolic of purity and can be used in place of any other colour.

Engraving a candle is a good way to bring about your wish and by adding a letter of the magical alphabet you will bring mystery and connection to the ancient art of Wicca. A simple example could be to engrave a heart for love and a dollar sign for wealth in your ritual.

If a candle goes out whilst you are practicing doing magic, this is a sign, a message.

Looking into the flame of a candle is the perfect way to regain or strengthen focus.

Some simple yet powerful candle magic is to write your wish on a piece of paper and fold it in half, light one corner with the candle flame and hold the paper as long as you can before the flame reaches your fingers.

See also, if You wish: [ Colors ].

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Preparing for Mabon.


Depending on your individual spiritual path, there are many different ways you can celebrate Mabon, but typically the focus is on either the second harvest aspect, or the balance between light and dark. This, after all, is the time when there is an equal amount of day and night.

How to prepare for Mabon?

There are plenty of ideas in the Internet.

... for example: [ Ten Ways to Celebrate Mabon on ThoughtCo ].

Blog author's choice.

Before me there's long fight for love & other ideas, still.

i need a calm mind, and power - so i've decided to celebrate Mabon two-ways:
- Find Some Balance,
- Honor the Darkness, Honor the Crone.
- Seek the Darkness & Balance in Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching book.

Finding Balance.

i wish to meditate on breath for a while, using meditation from Lama Ole Nydahl's book, from 'Buddha & Love' book.

Honoring Darkness, Honoring the Crone.

i'll wear my pentacle at this night and speak prayer.

Seek the Darkness & Balance in Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching book.

... see if You wish: [ The Way of Master Lao-Tzu ].