Thursday, December 12, 2019

Attacking someone's Ego-Barrier with Geometrical Symbols & Numerology.


There are Beings & Phenomena.

Symbols represent ideas, symbols are used in magick as well.

Buddhist definition of a Being - either living, or in bardo-state related with reincarnation - is that it has Mind.

Buddhist definition of a Phenomenon is that it does not have Mind.

... is 'Sacred Geometry' a part of Numerology?

... i think it is, as Geometry is important part of Mathematics ... and what is Numerology if not Spirituality & Mathematics together?

Symbolic representation of a being with Ego-Barrier.

A being can be represented as a circle in a square, where:
- a circle represents a being,
- a square represents 'Ego Barrier' that protects one's identity, but also is in a way a jail for one's awareness ... why a square? ... because it can be understood as 'cell-block', a 'prison', a 'cage', 'matrix'.

A Being with 'Ego Barrier'.

'Ego Barrier' can be broken, thus is represented here above as an 'Open Square' ... this shows potential for liberation from 'Ego-Barrier' jail ... and allows one to believe easier, stronger.

Belief, Imagination, Visualization, Spells, Mantras & Prayers have power, that can be used here.

Attacking Ego-Barrier.

Attacking Ego-Barrier can be either:
- a means of defending oneself,
- a means of freeing someone from Ego-Barrier jail,
- occasionally both of above.

... How to attack someone's Ego-Barrier?
... i think the way is to Curse someone's Ego.

... How?

Well, some theory at first:

A Number of '3' is associated with:
- 'rule of 3',
- 'power',
- 'danger', ... a triangle is explained as 'Dangerous Form' in 'Great Seal' Buddhist Book by Lama Ole Nydahl,
- 'something that is being developed' ... so with time it gains in meaning and power,

A Number of '6' is associated with:
- a 'hex', a 'curse',
- also with bless.

... sometimes curses transform to bless, bless sometimes transforms to a curse - depending how relations between cursed & curse's caster evolve.

There's a shape that represent curse that gains in power with time:

a 'Tri-Hex', a hex that escalates with time.

Completion, the Practice.

Now that we got some theoretical introduction, let's consider visualizing a shape within someone's symbolic representation:

'Tri-Hex' at 'Ego-Barrier'.

... with time it's a growing pressure from within at one's ego, that eventually 'bursts & explodes', i think.

It may be useful to imagine, visualize, speak - either quietly, in Mind - or aloud - attacked egoist's 'name',
... so it's easier to precisely direct curse at someone specific.

... or one can use abstract names, that attack Ego-Barriers of more than one being.

... there's also possibility of imagining a certain parts of one's ego ... perhaps using 'objects-graph' visualization approach to one's complexes, structures in psyche.

... but this requires learning efforts about about one to be cursed.

... 'objects graphs' are data structures in Computer Sciences, can be used to model one's psyche, mind-soul,
i think.

Where it Leads?

... 'inferiority complex', 'mania complex' are 'structures' in psyche ... these are part of one's ego / self.

... attacking someone's ego can free one from inferiority complexes, or can be used beneficially to destroy one's mania, i think.

... etc.

... attacking someone's psyche should be done with care ... its easy to harm someone that way and spiritual/karmic consequences are terrible.

... but when one's prepared to carry on with support after attack, it can be very beneficial, i think, as well.