Friday, January 7, 2022

MtG Low Magick: Healing Salve.


It's said that every tool in Magician's hands can be used for Real Magick - even games, computer games or other.

Cards - Tarot Cards or other Cards symbolically represent something, say something, have meaning.

It's said that Magick is a way of speaking with Universe, speaking abstractly, using symbols.

Every symbol used represents karmic connections with beings and/or phenomena related with it. Beings differ from phenomena by having mind. Beings have Mind, phenomena do not have mind.

We can use wand or athame to direct energies from one symbol to another symbol.

... or we can do something else. / but let's not forget that using symbols should say more or less precisely what we want to happen. /

It's said that Universe loves us and tries to fulfill our wishes, prayers, spell.

The more precisely we define spellwork and target, the more accurate our magick will be.

The Spell.

... i've used a Magic: the Gathering card named: 'Healing Salve'.

Touched the card with my wand, then touched my Crown Chakra (on top of head), then touched my Heart Chakra.

Thus - my wand, my healing wand - directed healing energies from beings & phenomena related with healing - directed to my crown chakra and heart chakra.