Saturday, June 1, 2019

The Golden Dawn's Magick & Spiritual-Physical Exercises.

A Quote.

'It is vitally important that in the quest to exalt the health of the Spirit, the student does not neglect the health of the body.

Physical well-being and endurance are essential to the magician who wishes to perform lengthy rituals as well as Astral work.

During this probationary period, the student should begin a regular discipline of exercise to maintain physical fitness.

We leave the choice of exercise to the individual student;

... swimming, biking, jogging, martial arts, aerobics, yoga or some other.

Israel Regardie recommended that the student perform certain exercises that are designed to raise both the physical and psychic vitality of the practitioner.

They are taken from a small pamphlet by Peter Kelder called The Five Rites of Rejuvenation. or The Eye of Revelation.

These exercises can also be found in Donald Michael Kraig's book Modern Magick (pages 222-229).

Whatever form of exercise is undertaken, the student should never overwork to the point of strain.

If one is not used to exercise, begin slowly and gradually.

If health concerns are an issue, consult a doctor before commencing any form of physical exertion.'

-- Quoted & Reshaped from 'Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition' book by Chic Cicero & Sandra Tabatha Cicero.