Friday, July 29, 2022

Does God roll the Dice?


... i think i've read that Random is Holy.

... i think that includes Random Shrines in some of computer games. For example: Diablo series, ADOM, probably many other games as well.

In a polish language, word 'los' means: Random, Destiny, Fate.

... i believe that Destiny & Fate are forms of Strong Karma.

Rolling dice is a form of generating pseudorandom numbers.

In a polish language, rolling dice is translated as 'losowanie', 'rzut kośćmi'.

Skillful Means.

Since dice are related with Randomness, Karma and all forms of Fate and Destiny, dice can be used as a symbol for changing someone's Strong Karma, someone's Destiny, someone's Fate - in any/all form(s) of these.

Don't get me wrong - changing Fate is not easy, requires Wisdom, Power and Effort. Skillful means as dice or other forms of random thing generation can make whole ordeal a lot easier and quicker.

Changing Destiny is somewhat easier than changing Fate, changing Karma is either easy or difficult - depending on how strong said Karma is.

... i think that changing someone's Fate should be done in small steps, to not anger Gods and believers.

... i think that - when changing someone's Fate - one should first destabilize Karma/Destiny/Fate/related then make a small change.

How to do this?

One can make a wish, pray or cast, and do other mental/spiritual practices, perhaps rolling dice in process as well.

Other Forms.

Not only dice can generate pseudorandom things.

TAROT Cards & Computer Programs can also be used to generate pseudorandom things, not neccessarily only numbers.

Same with flipping coins or drawing straws, these can be pseudorandom as well.

Probably many other forms as well.

Creative uses of Cards.

One can also use cards to generate a pseudorandom number, for example numbers from 1 to 6 or 1 to 10. Just use Ace and cards numbered 2 to 6 or 2 to 10, all of the same color. Other forms of generating random results are also possible with cards - either 'standard' playing cards or TAROT Cards.

Random and Pseudorandom.

Computers generate pseudorandom numbers, but if coded correctly it's almost impossible to guess results.

One can learn how to roll dice, and i think it's possible to learn how to guess or learn how to choose cards to be drawn.

So these are pseudorandom as well.

... etc.

Does God roll the Dice?

Is Karma a result of Gods' will?

Is Destiny/Fate/etc a form of Strong Karma?

When a human rolls the dice, is it God who actually 'rolls', only using human's hands?

Does God play with Dice?

Is rolling dice the same as playing with dice?


See also, if you want or wish: [ Mysticism, Freedom, Karma, Destiny & Fate. ].

My dice.

Dice on image above:

- 10 of ten-sided dice (d10).
- 10 of six-sided dice (d6),
- 2x 7 of varied side dice:
  - d20,
  - d12,
  - two d10 dice of two types, for a case when one wants to roll a hundred-sided dice (d100).
  - d8,
  - d6,
  - d4.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Mysticism, Freedom, Karma, Destiny & Fate.

What is Mysticism?

It's listening to one's inner voice, and following it as one's morality dictates.

One can say that it's 'Way of the Doll' that dances as the Spiritual Authority(-ies) pull the strings.

Spiritual Practices can lead one to become a Mystic.

What is Freedom?

... i think it's the ability to choose one's Goal(s) and Way that leads there, accepting all of strings attached, even painful ones ... including limitations, hindrances and other things - good & bad - associated with the Way.

Karma, Destiny & Fate.

Karma is the Law of Cause & Effect. There's belief that certain practices can transform karma, that there's the Way to Freedom.

Destiny / pl: Przeznaczenie / is - or i think so at least - the strong Karma that dictates how one is (re)born, where one's lives are directed. By changing Karma one can challenge the destiny. It's possible but quite difficult to challenge the Destiny. One can also make karma stronger, harder to change by seeding the seeds of Destiny to protect the progress from changing direction in this and future lives.

Fate / pl: Fatum / is - or so i think at least - stronger form of Destiny. It's extremely difficult to challenge one's Fate. Fate can be used - and is used - in practices to protect one from detracting from one's Way, in this and future lives.

I think i read somewhere - in wise book(s) - that once a Buddhist reaches certain stage of development
/ thinking: Mahamudra /, the Buddhist Way for him or her becomes his/her Karma and Fate at the same time.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Candles & Incense.


Finally got some candle stands, arranged things on my magickal altar.

Tools Used:

- Candles & Incense alight,
- TAROT Cards & TAROT Tools there,
- Reminder about Kybalion on a piece of paper,
- Scarf around Chalice for warmth,
- Matchsticks for setting candles & incense alight,
- Magick-related Art as well.

Colours of Candles is:
- Black,
- Violet,
- Silver.

Meanings of Colours:
/ Different sources, different groups have different meanings for the same colours /
> [ Witch Kit - Candles & Crystals ],
> [ Colors ].

Colours of Incense:
- Black, colour of Protection.


This rite is meant to affect me & my friends, to build Power, Beauty, Protection & Skillful Means (convenient magickal tools) for when we need it.