Wednesday, November 20, 2019

'Virtual Adept's' Low Magick: 'A few lines of Code'.

Can code be magickal?

Every of Witch/Magician's tools is magickal ... including computers.

Regarding 'numerical symbolism' used in this code:

108 number is holy in Buddhism:
- Holy number of 108, bits & trits.

About Numerology:
- Numerology.

Esoterics-wise, '3×7×11' is 'three times seven times eleven', is 'greater curse', and/or 'greater bless':
- Numerology, Blessings & Curses,
- Power Numbers & Symbolic Meanings,
- Blessings, Curses, Transformations.

'Every blessing is curse, every curse is blessing'.

... cursing enemies protects friends/lovers etc ... but not only that way curse can be a bless, i think,
... when someone abuses, blessing can transform into a curse and enhance bad karma, as well, i think.


... click image below to see / edit code on JDoodle.

- A few lines of Code on DeviantART,
- A few lines of Code on Project Wraithstar.