Thursday, April 25, 2024

My Desire for Wiccan Initiation.

As the time flows, I want more and more to be initiated in Wicca (Wicca is a Religion of Witchcraft, more or less), beside Buddhism. I am aware that following too many of spiritual paths might lead to confusion and insanity, but combining just these two seems to be nice and fine still.

I hope that my Buddhist Teachers do not mind, and perhaps we need time to prepare for that initiation. I'll wait patiently for as long as it's needed and necessary.

I need to read two books before I decide finally:
1. 'Modern Wicca: A History from Gerald Gardner to the Present' by Michael Howard (I have this book since a while),
2. 'Wicca Made Easy: Awaken the Divine Magic Within You' by Phyllis Curott (Ordered this book today, should arrive in about 2 weeks).

After my positive decision, it still might take a while before my initiation happens, because I wish to join the Circle/Coven of the Wiccan High Priestess, Phylis Curott, and She lives in the U.S.A. - quite a distance from Poland, where I live.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Awakening the Witch Within, winning the Wisdom - the first steps.

After consecrating the Phyllis Curott's Witches' Wisdom TAROT Deck, i've taken the first steps to win the Wisdom and to Awaken the Witch Within.

I did 1-card read with this intention, the intention for the Deck to show me the way for Self-Development as a Witch.

The card drawn was '10 of Earth'.

Meaning of the image is wandering in the forest, easy to get lost. Mushrooms are magical flora, and sometimes hallucinogens. To me, the trees also represent disturbing emotions.

But according to Phyllis Curott's guidebook for the TAROT deck, the meaning of the Card is as follows:

10 of Earth,
- Web of Life -


Seize the golden thread leading into the magic forest, a strand in the Web of Mushrooms and Mycelium, the conscious Web of Life. Lie upon the mossy ground and listen. Below the surface of soil and perception is a network of connection, alive and humming with messages, pulsing with the energy, nourishment, and healing flowing from one being to another. Everything is joined in this intervoven mystery, this hidden world within the world. It seems strange and other, yet familiar and ecstatic when you taste it on your tongue. Your DNA will recognize what your mind has forgotten: all beings are connected and depend upon one another.


Consciousness of Creation, interconnection, communion, green wisdom. You are never alone. Web of support.


You're called into deeper community and higher consciousness, beyond your current understanding. The Plant People are willing and wise teachers, and many are healers who will teach you about the medicine within the heart of every person. Commit to a path of beauty, harmony, and balance in body and soul. Recognize, revere, and celebrate your connections with Creation.


Take a walk. Ask a plant to be your ally and teacher, to help you understand the greater consciousness of Life. It may be a weed growing in a sidewalk crack or the largest tree in the park. Whatever it is, observe it, listen to it, talk to it. Research its biology, folklore, and medicine. Cultivate your relationship with it and honor its wisdom.


I've understood that to develop as a Witch, i need to connect with other Witches, to learn and help each other. We are all interconnected, interdependent, which means that we depend upon each other to become what we want to be. Perhaps the Internet is a beginning, just a beginning. The central guidance, the higher consciousness - perhaps a Witches' Deity - is important too.

I've understood that i should have more time and attention for the Nature and for the World of Plants, and walked among the spring bushes and trees in my apartment block. I've chosen single tree as the most important one for me... perhaps it should be my Plant Teacher, but no rush... such relations need time to develop well.

The path seems to be obscured by confusion, disturbing emotions and conflicts, but in the forest there are clearings too.