Monday, November 13, 2017

Low Magick: Protection against Shadow.

After too much - even if not much still - of a spiritual descent spells, i've decided to do something positive, meaningful & spiritually ascending.

i've to decided to learn a 'Protection from Shadow' Spell, using my M:tGO cards & a Black Obsidian Skrying Mirror as i did with other spells before.

According with Jungian Psychology, Shadow is Inner Dragon, and Dragon is symbol of Fear, or Protection & Magic - depending whether it's befriended or not.

It's paired with 'Cloak of Mists' spell, to increase subtlety and make it harder to detect, steal, manipulate, protect from it or affect it in other way.

i've decided to let others learn it from me, on a sane terms.

Price is agreeing to not abuse this a spell.

One can learn this spell by agreeing for that price, then by reading this article in full - rereading if neccessary, then studying cards involved for a while.

With time this power will mature & awaken, and can be used by thinking 'Protection from Shadow', by deciding how much of one's own magickal energy to use (can be acquired by eating and making a wish to use food's energy as a magickal power source; there are other ways as well to acquire magickal power, not only power duels or eating; eating alone gives only a little usually - unless it has magickal & spiritual meaning as well; skillful choices for getting fairly a lot of power is an apple, or a fish when fasting - but this depends on spirituality, beliefs, et cetera), and by deciding whom to affect (either one being or a group), perhaps adding other details as well.


This spell is included in 'Shadow Pentacle, Awaken!' verse as well, of one of my spell-poems, since today, as well.

This makes Shadow Pentacle more of a Light, makes it Protect more - including from itself.

It's still more of a descent than uplift, but with time Compassion will awaken more fully - i designed this spell to be self-correcting over long time.

Even that Shadow Pentacle points downward for now, with time it will rotate and point upwards, i think.

Pentacle pointing downward speaks of spiritual descent, Pentacle pointing upward speaks of spiritual ascent.

Word 'Awaken!' works that way - awakens mind qualities - including Compassion, transforms fear & anger into fearlessness, among other aspects.

1 comment:

  1. i try to be a Buddhist, Esoteric & a White Mage mostly, but i study & use black magick as well when i am weak, when i must, or when i wish to transform Darkness into Light.

    i believe in Spiritual Growth more than in a descent.

    i wish to correct all my errors someday, including moral & ethical errors. i think it's my Buddhist Way as well, to correct errors.
