Friday, September 6, 2024

Lindsey Stirling - Shadows.

Lindsey Stirling - Shadows.

... usually i don't like violin plays, but Lindsey Stirling is great!

Monday, September 2, 2024

Daughter of Ether & Nanotech.

In Mage: the Ascension there's tradition faction called: 'Sons of Ether'.

Over a decade ago i've met in the internet a friend, a woman from France.

She's a Beautiful Artist & Scientist, she knows Physics & Chemistry, she's a witch, a hard-working woman and Daugther of Ether / pl: 'Córa Eteru' / with a lot of Nephandi allies (Nephandi are Magicians who use Black Magick). She's not worst at computer programming as well - at least by my high, Virtual Adept's standards.

With her, and some help in the field of Biology (Molecular Biology mostly), the Power of Nanotechnology is within our reach - as the Physics, Chemistry & Biology are keys to Nanotech.

If we have the Power of Nanotechnology, my Computer Sciences knowledge & Experience can be used to control Nanomachines - as computers can control machines. This would be the distributed application / pl: 'aplikacja rozproszona' / - software that spans over many machines that collaborate, work together for a common goal.

(Perhaps Advanced Mathematics, Microscopy, Electronics & Mechatronics can be useful as well).

I've had insights (thoughts appearing in my mind) that this can be arranged, and perhaps even a fully-fledged Nanotechnologist (Buddhist Nanotechnologist) will join us if/when we have support of Physics, Chemistry & Biology.

I've had insights that my friend Martha (from Poland) can find and handle a biologist for us as well.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Necronomicon, Horror on the Orient Express & Deals with Technocracy.

There's roleplaying game titled: 'Call of Cthulhu'.

Some players play spiritually, I think... to build supernatural powers for the team and game master/storyteller ... and to coordinate themselves.

There's adventure called: 'Horror on the Orient Express'.

Why to play this adventure campaign?

For example to have more control over the supernatural hazards on the pilgrimage/trade routes to Tibet via the Orient. Both Far East and Middle East are Orient as well.

Since a while i had insights (thoughts appearing in mind) that something has to be done about some players, as they went way too far in that...

I've planned to use Mage: the Ascension for this, but then a friend from my past contacted me in my mind.

Her name is Martha, and she studied Necronomicon since youth. She's dangerous occultist i think, but this time she sided with me, for now at least.

(In Buddhism, friends - by definition - help each other to develop, both spiritually and in more mundane ways).

I think that someone who researched Necronomicon has power over Cthulhu Art & Games, as the Cthulhu Mythos has roots in Necronomicon.

It seems - for now at least - that 'Horror on the Orient Express' is no longer a threat.

At least for as long as Martha is on our side.

I was thinking about myself, and I think that I am a Computer-Oriented Magician, styled as a 'Virtual Adept'.

(Word 'Oriented' is intended, to emphasize my affiliation with Tibetan Buddhism).

... I hope that Technocracy won't be such a big issue for me, and for my friends. I can involve myself in Apple's and Google's technologies and solutions, perhaps someday make deals with Apple and Google, perhaps with Microsoft and/or more as well.

What's the difference between Virtual Adepts and Technocracy?

Virtual Adepts teach and help, while Technocracy protects their secrets to rule and to swim in riches.

But i think that Technocracy has it's good side too - even if it's rare and often fake.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Proofs of Telepathy & Art of Colors.

Am I a telepath?

Recently, a while ago, I had something that looks like a proof that I am.

I thought about Art, about Visual Mood and Tension building and voice in my mind categorized it as 'Intensity Toning'. I never heard these words together before. Then voice explained that it's more generalized, more abstract and complete lesson in Art that encompasses and refines ideas of 'Visual Mood and Tension building'. More professional words too.

I rarely have proofs of telepathy, but sometimes I do. Then after a while psychological ego-rationalization kicks in and makes me doubt again.

The proofs of telepathy give me hope, make me want to live and not suicide, for I often speak in mind with a buddhist woman I love. Less of loneliness. Or I only think so.

Quoting Google:
1. 'Intensity, also called chroma or saturation, refers to the brightness of a color. A color is at full intensity when not mixed with black or white - a pure hue. You can change the intensity of a color, making it duller or more neutral by adding gray to the color'.
2. 'Tone in art simply refers to how light or dark a colour is. Each colour has an almost infinite number of tones. For example, think of the almost infinite variety between baby blue and midnight blue. Tone is now a central point in colour theory and an essential tool for all artists.'

I think the difference is:
1. Intensity is brightness or dullness, amount of grayness mixed in colour,
2. Tone is brightness or darkness, influencing mood and emotions.

P.S. As of recent, I am interrested Art-wise, in:
1. Intensity Toning & Colour Theory,
2. Fascination with Blackness,
3. Play of Light and Shadows.

When Blackness fascinates?

For example we can have a photo with Black, Magickal Athamé Knife. If the Knife protects it fascinates. If the Knife harms more than protects, one wants to puke instead,

Perhaps these lessons will arrive in form of thoughts appearing in my mind, perhaps I will buy books ... or both.

Update of 07.08.2024:

I've bought two books about Color Theory:

'Art of Colors' / PL: 'Sztuka Barwy' / by Johannes Itten is more theoretical, textual. But it contains black and white sketches and colorful images as well. This book is used by Fine Arts Academy in Warsaw, Poland.

'Color & Light' by James Gurney is a text with a lot of images, like album. Some text included, but images serve as best examples of the ideas presented in text. This book was recommended for me by a member of internet discord group: 'Art Lounge', that I am a part of.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Awakening the Witch Within, 7th Step.

I've taken the 7th step to win the Wisdom and to Awaken the Witch Within.

Using the Phyllis Curott's Witches' Wisdom TAROT Deck, I did 1-card read with this intention, the intention for the Deck to show me the way for Self-Development as a Buddhist/Wiccan Witch.

The card drawn was 'Balance'.

Meaning of the image seems to be about balance between wildness and freedom of nature and comforts of civilization. Does civilization truly bring safety? What about wars and car accidents?

But according to Phyllis Curott's guidebook for the TAROT deck, the meaning of the Card is as follows:



Within the magic woods, time shifts and the Pilgrim returns to her childhood. She enters the realms of Spirit and sees the world as it's meant to be. Her grandmother shows her how all things live in Balance. She points to Bear and Fox, to Rose-breasted Grosbeak and Squirrel, to mushrooms and elderberries, to passing clouds and warming Sun, tumbling stream and swimming Fish, all in perfect relationship. They teach the young Pilgrim right from wrong and how to be fair, to treat all with respect and reciprocity.

Her heart skips a beat as she remembers the future without her grandmother and wonders who teaches people then. "Mother Earth teaches all who pay attention," grandmother replies. "Remember the story I told you about the Godess Maat? She holds a single feather to weigh against your heart. Lightness of being is the gift of balance."

Mother Earth is always teaching you what all her children know - the life-sustaining Balance that all Creation shows. Live lightly on the land. Take no more than you need and give back with gratitude for all that you've received. If nothing is wasted, there's enough for everyone.

Receiving and replenishing, interchanging and exchanging, with gratitude and generosity, perfect Balance is maintained and lightness of being is attained. Joy is what it feels like.


Choices. Prosperity, generosity. Repriocity, equilibrium, harmony. Lightness of Spirit, joy. Energy flowing.


Finding Balance within yourself is a key to your sense of peace, happiness, and lightness of Spirit. It's time to consider the choices you're making about your life, your time, your energy.

Where do you need to pay more attention to achieve a healthy Balance in your life? How can you make changes and create more of what you need in order to be Balanced? What are your priorities? Are they making you happy? How can you Balance work with the rest of your life? Are your relationships reciprocal - do you receive as much as you give? Are you valued by those you value?

Reflect on how much you have to be grateful for, how much you're given by Mother Earth, and find ways to give back, to restore Balance, inside and out.


Stand at the center of the circle of your life. Face the East, direction of Air. Do you think too much or not enough before you act? Are you still questioning and learning or worrying and doubting? Breathe in, quiet your mind, love yourself as you are, and thank the Plant People for giving you the breath of Life.

Face South, direction of Fire (Northern Hemisphere), and reach up to the Sun. Are you scared or determined in pursuit of your purpose? What gives you joy? Feel the rush of that energy. Give thanks.

Face West, direction of Water. Are you in touch with your feelings or are you supressing them? Are you loving yourself enough or giving too much of yourself away? Say "I love you" and hug yourself.

Face North and touch the Earth. Are you working too hard and not taking care of yourself? What needs healing? Thank your body and promise to take better care of yourself.

Return to the East and take a deep breath. Feel how present you are.


I've understood that to Awaken as a Buddhist Witch, that to awaken Wisdom within, I need to pay more attention to Nature, to pay attention to Animals and Plants.

I've understood that to Awaken as a Buddhist Witch, that to awaken Wisdom within, I need to take more care of my Body, to take more care of my Mind, that i need to make my lifestyle more Balanced and more aligned with the Nature.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Awakening the Witch Within, 6th Step, part 2nd.

I've asked Reindeer Seer to show me how I can change, to be able to help myself and the world.

Using the Phyllis Curott's Witches' Wisdom TAROT Deck, I did 1-card read with this intention, the intention to show me how i can change and help myself and the world.

The card drawn was '6 of Water'.

I've described this card earlier in this blog.
> [ Awakening the Witch Within, 5th Step ].


I've understood that i should go with the flow, where life takes me - to go with life's flow and to help nature, mother earth in process.

I've understood that sometimes life and one's reality change suddenly, and that one should adapt appropriately. This is both risk and opportunity.

I should focus on my priorities, rest is irrevelant.

Sometimes I'll need to accept harsh lessons and face my destiny boldly.

After going through harsh lessons, one becomes stronger and wiser, afterall.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Awakening the Witch Within, 6th Step, part 1st.

I've taken the 6th step to win the Wisdom and to Awaken the Witch Within.

Using the Phyllis Curott's Witches' Wisdom TAROT Deck, I did 1-card read with this intention, the intention for the Deck to show me the way for Self-Development as a Buddhist/Wiccan Witch.

The card drawn was 'Messenger of Earth'.

Meaning of the image seems to be about gifts and good karma coming here from distant, frozen land. Harsh weather, harsh condition but loving, warm hearts. Like Santa Claus who brings gifts from afar.

But according to Phyllis Curott's guidebook for the TAROT deck, the meaning of the Card is as follows:

Messenger of Earth.


The Reindeer Seer, the Messenger of Earth, stands beside her beloved companion and guide. The world is snow-covered and painted with blue shadows cast by the distant Sun. The Seer is young to have gift of sight. But it's because she is young that she is able to see the future clearly. Civilization had not tied the blindfold of distraction and conformity over her eyes. Her gift is heavy burden, but she sees it's possible to shape the future. She will say what she sees. Will the world listen?


Foresight, weighty responsibility, incorruptibility, virtue. Possibility. Honesty. Truth.


Whether visions come through natural intuition or skillful divination, you can see the future. Don't be afraid that it can't be changed. Witches know that fate is what you make it. Not everything is within your control, but if you use your power to control yourself, the future will be yours to shape. Look within and see what you can change now in order to change what will be. Then look around and see the future is not just about you. The world needs her Witches.


Do another reading and ask the Reindeer Seer to show you what you need to heal in yourself and in the world. Then begin. Commit to doing one small thing for yourself that is connected to doing something for Mother Earth. And follow through. When a Witch gives her word, she must keep it.


I've understood that to Awaken the Witch Within, i need to do sometimes things for myself and for the world.

I'll change myself in a way that will make me able to pursue something that will benefit both me and the world.

I'll change my fate and fate of the World, if only a little.

I'll need to do another reading, will try to do it as soon possible and post on this blog.
> [ Awakening the Witch Within, 6th Step, part 2nd ].

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sharing Thoughts.

Sometimes i think about telepathy.

Is it different from knowing someone well enough to know when someone is about to use a telephone to call us?
(telephone is the symbol of telepathy, symbol of communication at a distance).

I've read that Buddha Karmapa 17th Trinley Thaye Dorje said (i'll quote more or less precise words): 'Because none of us can read others' Minds, let's talk and get to know each other'.

Perhaps knowing someone well enough is the key to establishing a telepathic contact, to share thoughts.

In a facebook group about telepathy i read someone using similar words, that knowing someone helps to establish a telepathic contact.

I think that telepathy in it's purest form is communication in the form of sharing thoughts. Two or more thoughts/opinions clash and middle ground is found and resulting thoughts appear in involved minds. The more trained mind, the subtler mind, the mind with with lesser ego, has advantage when shaping the final thought to appear, his/her opinion matters more. Subtler minds, however, can feel some pain in the process.

I think that it's possible to protect oneself from pains associated with clashing thoughts/opinions (tested on myself with great success).
One can wish/cast/pray for a gift of such protection.
I think that some people might be protected from pains experienced during sharing thoughts without any extra efforts, perhaps because of karma from past lives. Perhaps they developed such protection in previous lives.

See also if You wish:
- How to Learn Telepathy.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Awakening the Witch Within, 5th Step.

I've taken the 5th step to win the Wisdom and to Awaken the Witch Within.

Using the Phyllis Curott's Witches' Wisdom TAROT Deck, I did 1-card read with this intention, the intention for the Deck to show me the way for Self-Development as a Buddhist/Wiccan Witch.

The card drawn was '6 of Water'.

Meaning of the image seems to be about going with the flow and hunting in the waters. Everything flows, everything changes.

But according to Phyllis Curott's guidebook for the TAROT deck, the meaning of the Card is as follows:

6 of Water,
- Diving Deep -


A Cormorant plunges into a darting school of Fish. The Water, the seabrid's feather, the fishes' scales, bubbles of rising Air and unexpected light light all glisten, sparkle, and move. Water is the ever-changing flow of Life. Whole worlds live within it. The messages, the stories, the lives that it holds are always moving. Water itself is always moving, swirling and changing, dissolving and creating anew. Within it, the Life lives and dies and lives again - fish becoming bird, bird becoming prayer, prayer becoming manifestation, manifestation coming to life. The Waters of Life are always moving....


Dive deep. Let go, go with the flow. Unexpected change.


You cannot redirect the river of Life. Instead, plunge in, surrender to it, dissolve in it, allow the 'molecules' of your expectations, plans, and intentions to mix with the Waters flowing all around you. Let go and let your heart become a vessel of understanding. Let it hold the memories of your life, of all life. To remember, you must allow the Waters of Life to flow through you. Begin now--fill the Waters of your life with stories, before the Cormorant appears.

4. MAGIC: Self-Blessing.

Fill a clear bowl with warm Water (approximately 98oF or 37oC). Add three tablespoons of salt for the past, present, and future. Stir the Water until the salt dissolves. Bless yourself with the saltwater from which Life first came. Remember you too are a vessel.


I've understood that it's wise to 'go with the flow' of life, to not struggle too much against going where life takes one with it. One should remain true to one's priorities, rest is irrevelant.

Panta Rhei.
(Everything Flows).

I've understood that sometimes life and one's reality change suddenly, and that one should adapt if one wants to survive. Sometimes, however, mere survival is not worth living the life one's forced into. For example, i don't think it's worthwhile to live without True Love.

I've understood that life is full of the hunters and of the hunted. Sometimes Hunters Hunted too.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Awakening the Witch Within, 4th Step.

I've taken the 4th step to win the Wisdom and to Awaken the Witch Within.

Using the Phyllis Curott's Witches' Wisdom TAROT Deck, I did 1-card read with this intention, the intention for the Deck to show me the way for Self-Development as a Witch.

The card drawn was 'Guardian'.

Meaning of the image seems to be about oneness with nature, about protecting the Mother Earth from various threats. Humans are only a part of Life and Mother Earth, there are Plants and Animals too.

But according to Phyllis Curott's guidebook for the TAROT deck, the meaning of the Card is as follows:



The Pilgrim's quest has stripped away fears and falsehoods. Unmade and made again by nurturing darkness and engendering light, he sees himself reflected and affirmed by the world that strengthens and sustains him. He is finding confidence and comfort far greater than wealth or privilege can provide. He has learned that there's always reason for hope. The world he lives in is sacred.

He strides forward on the path less traveled, hearing the song of Creation calling him to something greater than himself, calling him to serve. It's dawn. Mist is rising from the verdant greenwood, and because the Pilgrim is ready, the Guardian appears.

Chosen by the Godess Sovereignty, long ago he was called the King, a title and identity sought ever since by frauds who lust for power and treasure and fakers without wisdom or humility. It's an office destined to be held by he who serves the land and all its peoples. This is what makes him worthy: holding his purpose with integrity.

Compassion, inspiration, and example are how he wields his authority, but to defend the Life he serves, he can also wield a sword against those who are cruel, indifferent, and corrupt. His wisdom and motivation arise from the order of Creation. He is the faithful and passionate partner, embodied and divine, of the Godess, whom he has loved since the beginning of time. His every action serves Her creed: That all things make the world a better place for Life,

The Pilgrim stands before the Guardian and feels the strength and gentlesess that radiate from him in equal measure. A modest potion falls upon him like an honor to be carried: to till the fields and tend the animals, stand guard, and step forward. The Pilgrim is ready to be mentored and empowered by responsibility.


God. Confidence, self-respect, responsibility, integrity. Harmony, hope. Protect.


You're coming into a true sense of yourself and your ability to create the life you want. When you're fully present and act with integrity, you'll be increasingly freed from the limitations of ego, jealousy, and selfish ambition, whether yours or someone else's. You're discovering your self-worth and earning your own respect. You're ready to serve something greater than yourself, to stand up for your values, for others, and for the wellbeing of Creation. The Guardian reminds you to seek the mentorship of the older men in your life, especially those who have offered some part of their lives in service. They will remind you what thrue strength is and that there's always reason for hope.


Go outside and pay attention to the trees. When you feel one calling to you, address it as the Guardian:

Guardian, the power of all things
that grow, teach me how to grow,
to be strong, to serve the Life that
is greater than my own.

Sit with your back against the tree's trunk. Feel the Earth below you, the Sun above, the power of Life making all things grow. Feel it moving through you. Feel yourself growing stronger, healthier, more joyful. Remember all good things you are creating in your life. Ask for guidance. Listen to what the Guardian has to teach you. Thank the Guardian, the tree, the grass beneath you, the Plant and Animal People around you. Mother Earth. Sense their acknowledgement. Leave an offering and act on the advice that Guardian has given you.


I've understood that to develop as a Buddhist/Wiccan Witch, I need to take the responsibility of protecting friends, lessons and the natural world. I need self-integrity and attitude of fighting against ego - both mine and of other beings.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Awakening the Witch Within, 3rd Step.

I've taken the 3rd step to win the Wisdom and to Awaken the Witch Within.

Using the Phyllis Curott's Witches' Wisdom TAROT Deck, I did 1-card read with this intention, the intention for the Deck to show me the way for Self-Development as a Witch.

The card drawn was 'Moon'.

Meaning of the image can be found when looking at the moon - either directly or in distorted water-reflection, when one lets his/her wild side surface, when one howls to the moon like wolves do. Modern humans hide their wild side, retreat from nature to the comforts and safety of civilization, but call of the wild still can be felt, longed for.

But according to Phyllis Curott's guidebook for the TAROT deck, the meaning of the Card is as follows:



There's a wildness within us that yearns to be physical, sensual, animal, free. But fear of this unknown part, of the shadows where it dwells, of where it might take us and who it might make us, has left us all only half alive.

We live in a human world of comfort and possessions, safe and secure but cut off from the natural world, from our body, from the magic of embodiment. It's the Moon that illuminates our ancient longing. When it appears in the night sky of our soul, it's a holy grail finally within reach, a cup of the wine of Life in which our dreams of wholeness float. It's the Moon that pulls us forward with it's rhythmic ebb and flow, a mystery that women's bodies know. Diana, Godess of Witches and all things wild, holds the mirror of her full and shining Moon for us to see our sacred selves, no longer hidden, doubted, or unconscious.

The Pilgrim goes to see her reflection. She enters the dark woods and Wolves appear. She slips into the deep Waters where Otters play. She even dares to brave the Dragon's Lair.

Wildness is the only path to the Moon. There's no need to dread the companions who will teach you how to shapeshift into hoof and horn, paw and claw, fur and feathers, fins and scales, bud and leaf and flower. Set your foot upon the silver path. The Moon will light your way from fear to the fierce and freeing desires of your wild and natural self.


Mystery. Wildness, physical instinct. Liberated feminine power.


When the Moon appears and the wild calls, what will you choose? The illusory safety of your city tower? The sanctuary of a Witch's cottage with its tiny light shining in the forest? You can't pretend that's wildness. Howl at the Moon. Race with Wolves, swim with Otters, fly with Owls. Look back into the far distance and see the light from your cottage window. Feel a pang of sorrow for all that you have to let go. Then turn to the Moon above and feel a shiver of delight as you hear the answering howl of your companions. Watch the Moon, follow it's rhythm in the sky, see how it pulls the tides below. Feel that pull within you, rising and subsiding. Feel the Moon in your body, in your heart, in your mind. When you choose to return to your cottage and community, you'll return changed - free, whole, and holy, blessed by the Moon.


At the next full Moon, take a small round mirror and go to outside. Capture the Moon's reflection in the mirror. Now look at yourself in it. See the light in your eyes, even in the darkness. Tilt the mirror until you can again see the shining Moon. Look at yourself again. See yourself more clearly. See the light that shines within you, see the future that awaits you. Lift the mirror to the Moon and give thanks for the blessing She has given you.


I've understood that to develop as a Witch, I need to set my wild side free, to feel it, to let it arise within my mind, my body, my heart. I need to reconnect with nature as well.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Witch Craze (also called: 'Burning Times') and Inquisition.

This is what i've read in 'Wicca Made Easy' book by Phyllis Curott:

In 1484, Pope Innocent VIII published a papal edict authorizing the use of torture to elict confessions of Witchcraft (which has yet to be rescinded).

Two years later, two german monks published a handbook called 'Malleus Maleficiarum', an anti-woman screed on how to fulfill the Pope's orders, and in 1542, Pope Paul III established the Holy Office of the Inquisition (which also continues to this day).

It is considered that the Witchcraze, or Burning Times started in the late 1300s and finally ended 500 years later in the early 1800s.

See also, if You wish:
> [ About witch-hunting and about the 'Burning Times' ],
> [ Inkubus Sukkubus - 'Burning Times' ].