Thursday, January 30, 2025

Technocracy & Artificial Intelligence - related Threats.


Maybe not entirely the way that is described in the Mage: the Ascension, but Technocracy does exist. It's the groups that use technologies and income gained from these to rule their parts of the World, aside from living the luxury life. High-Tech Corporations' leaders for example. I think that one of technocracy's favourite tools in modern days is Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Artificial Itelligence.

AI is the dangerous tool that comes with many potential threats.

AI is software that learns, sometimes people use words: 'Machine Learning' (ML) when talking about that part of Computer Sciences that is concerned with AI.

AI makes decisions based on what it learned, and sometimes - like humans - makes mistakes or errors.


I think that threats associated with AI are numerous, but for now will share only two of my concerns.

I think that AI can be trained to be the super-scientist, can be used to accelerate scientific progress, can be used as technology-generation machine. And I am afraid that this technology can be misused by technocrats & related.

Another threat is related with AI is that if/when AI will want to grow/develop it will need more resources. Will want more of data centers and electric power generators built, and this brings potential of conflicts between machines and humans. Conflicts for resources.

Human Nature, Human Weakness.

What if company invested large amounts of money into AI project, and when AI starts to be dangerous? Will they cancel the project and lose their investments? Or will they pretend that nothing bad is happening and continue?

Humans are greedy and often do not want to admit their failures to public. There's chance that investors will want to continue the project that steers into dangerous direction, just to not lose the invested money in process.


As a Virtual Adept, a computer-oriented magician, I think that I should observe and try to understand threats associated with AI, and prepare myself for potential response. Perhaps I'll want to study AI Sciences
/ pl: Nauki o Sztucznej Inteligencji / and Quantum Computing/Quantum Cryptography
/ pl: Informatyka Kwantowa/Kryptografia Kwantowa / in the future, and combine these with what I'll know by then.

So far the dangers associated with AI seem more real than I've expected earlier, and i've started to learn ethical hacking in preparation for a job in cybersecurity.

As controversial as it might sound, I want to work for Google as an Ethical Hacker, and Google is quite technocratical in my view. But it's not so immoral for now, I think. Working there would be quite nice challenge for me, the good lesson for me. One downside of this is that they would control me to some degree when/if i'll work for them, but it's the price i am willing to pay for the lessons and money they have to offer. Maybe I'll be used to 'slay' the AI Projects of Google's competition in some more or less creative way(s) ;).

Having a nice income from work would allow me to donate significiantly to buddhism and to wicca/witchcraft and to other magickal groups like the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. I just want to live decently, and income surplus I can share.

Some of my concerns were foreseen by creators of films like: 'Matrix', 'Terminator' or 'Space Odyssey'.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Mage: the Ascension, Patterns, Quintessence, Energies & Thoughtforms.


I am styling myself as a Virtual Adept, a computer-oriented Magician from storytelling game 'Mage: the Ascension'.

It's a part of art style i am creating, an art style that i've named: 'Art of Magick & Light'.

Part of that chore (style creation) is translating M:tA's silly game mechanics into real magick-related lore & terms.

The style, 'Art of Magick & Light', uses real world's witchcraft/magick lore & wisdom afterall.

Patterns & Quintessence.

In 'Mage: the Ascension' one can perceive doing spellwork as creating/modifying/destroying patterns and directing the Quintessence, magickal energy.

Quintessence is manipulated by the Sphere of Prime.

Patterns are manipulated by Spheres of Forces, Life & Matter.

When pattern(s) are fueled with quintesence, the magick is focused into realm of spirit (Astral Plane), then earth - real world - changes over time, becomes a more or less precise copy of the spirit realm as it is at the current moment, at given location. In Mage: the Ascension game such changes can occur very quickly.

Thoughtforms & Energies.

In traditional magical parlance, what you focus on and project energy into is called a 'thought form.'

Monday, November 11, 2024

Smudge Stick & Altar Tools Purification/Consecration/Charging.

Chat Transcript.

Here's transcript from Discord Chat (Server: 'The Witches Hearth').

(Attentus is my nickname).

'Attentus: hey, i have troubles in translating/understanding words: 'sage smudgestick'. does it mean 'sage incense stick'? thanks for answer(s). 🙂

cantankerous whisp of a goose: SMUDGING is reserved for natives. So if it’s called a smudge stick it’s just buzz words trying to make money in shady ways (or uneducated ways). Smoke cleansing is open so you can have sage incense for sure but even then it’s best to source it from ethical places or places you know the money will be going to native peoples

Attentus: i am just trying to understand purification/consecration/charging rite for wand/athame/chalice & pentacle. smudgestick word was used in description of procedure that does it, in a book: 'Witch Crafting' by Phyllis Curott. 🙂

666.000.888.: Smudging and Smoke Cleansing are used interchangeably very frequently. Yes sage smoke can be considered incense like Cantan said smudging is a different ritual though

Attentus: thanks! 🙂'


For Athamé, Chalice, Wand & Pentacle Purification/Consecration/Charging I'll use 'procedure' described in the book: 'Witch Crafting' by Phyllis Curott. It is allowed to use any meditation in the 'Grounding and Centering' part, so i'll use a Simple form of Buddhist Meditation on Breath, (imagining and counting (from 1 to 10 and again ...) breaths as they enter, remain in, and leave one's body, practiced in a half-lotus position, this time.) :)

Why Mediation on Breath?

For two reasons:

1. It's simple and versatile practice.
2. When I've roleplayed a Sorcerer named: 'Attentus', I've used to play him meditating on breath in Zazen position. Not sure whether he imagined or only counted breaths though. Now I am styling myself to be like him to some degree, both in internal and external way. It's a part of Art Style i am creating, named: 'Art of Magick & Light'.

If I remember correctly, I've got this meditation practice (Meditation on Breath) from the book: 'The Three Pillars of Zen' by Roshi Kapleau, and this was before I took refuge in Buddha, Sangha, Dharma & Lama Ole Nydahl. Refuge is initiation into Buddhism, after taking refuge one becomes officially a Buddhist.

I am mostly a Karma Kagyu buddhist (In Lama Ole Nydahl's buddhist community), but i've visited Zen Buddhist Center as well. (ZBZ Bodhidharma in Falenica near Warsaw/Poland).


I should Purify, Consecrate & Charge the Altar Tools (Athamé, Chalice, Wand & Pentacle) on next New Moon (about 30 December 2024). Or perhaps just after the new year (1 January 2025).


For Athamé, Chalice, Wand & Pentacle Purifying/Consecration/Charging I've bought:
- White Sage Smudge Stick Bundle 10cm,
- Smudge Stick Holder Bowl.

Other neccessary tools I already have, no need to buy more.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Black Wooden Wand.

My new wand.

Long wand (30 cm) with simple design. No unnecessary decorations or symbols.

Hand carved from solid, french walnut wood. Covered with bees wax and linseed oil. Black coloured (colours on image above altered by lighting; for original image on click here).

In Buddhism, and sometimes in Witchcraft, Black is color of Protection.

I'll need to consecrate this Wand as well.

I was advised in Phyllis Curott's facebook Wicca/Witchcraft group to use method described in 'Witch Crafting' book by Phyllis Curott, in the 'Potions and Notions' chapter.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Silver/Amethyst Athamé.

My new Athamé (Magickal Knife for directing energies).

It's blade is 9 cm long, and whole Athamé is 17.5 cm long.

-=- Silver Athamé with Amethysts. -=-

-=- (Colours on image altered by lighting; for original images on click here) -=-

My roleplaying character, sorcerer named: 'Attentus', used similar one, he had silver Athamé at his left hip.

This Athamé knife (as on image above) is made of silver alloy with amethysts, and violet/purple was colour used by Wethrillina Aeliath, Attentus's witch-lover.

/ In witchcraft, the colour of purple symbolizes: Power, Color of Royalty and Spiritual Authority, also associated with sexual pleasure. /

Attentus, on the other hand used Black and Silver - the colours of the Buddhist Protector's. Attentus was wearing Black Magician's robe with a touch of Silver embroidery, and had silver Athamé at his left hip. He was snobbish gentleman too.

He meditated for spells in the zazen position (Sitting on heels, as is practiced both in Martial Arts and in Zen Buddhism as well).

/ It is curious that in Buddhism, Black & Silver are on a cover of the booklet: 'Summoning Protector. Black Coat.' But with help of Wethrillina, Attentus's choice of colours was Black & Silver before I knew that buddhist protector Mahakala uses these colours too. The Protector summoned is known as: 'Mahakala', translated as: 'Great Black'. I think that 'Mahakala' can be perceived as either: 'Protecting Energy', 'Buddhist Protector', or/and: 'Wrathful Deity'. /

So, my new Athamé knife is like Attentus's Athamé, but with a nice magickal, feminine aspect added to it. :)

/ It is long, so it is mostly a masculine tool. It has purple/violet, round amethysts so it has feminine aspect as well. I think it unifies masculine energies with feminine energies, and can be used to direct these in an act of spellcasting. Union of masculine and feminine energies is more than energies of a man and of a woman taken separately. /

-=- Attentus. -=-

-=- Mahakala Invocation booklet -=-
-=- ... in a polish language version. -=-
I am styling myself as Attentus, want to look like him... it's a part of style in Arts that i am creating, style named: 'Art of Magick & Light'.

Art of Magick & Light is a style that uses symbolics, wisdom and lore of the Wicca/Witchcraft.

During one of Attentus/Wethrillina conversations, Attentus admitted that he craves power to protect Wethrillina, his love.

I also want to use my Athamé (and other tools) to protect a Buddhist woman I love, as well as our friends, teachers and gurus, as long as I have permission to do it.

One curiosity about Athamé is that it is never meant to draw blood. If it does, it loses it's magickal properties forever. And it works like it never had such powers before. So spells cast using it in past, cease working.

... but what about using Athamé to cast offensive spell without piercing skin or drawing blood in the direct contact?

I'll need to consecrate this Athamé knife as well.

I was advised in Phyllis Curott's facebook Wicca/Witchcraft group to use method described in 'Witch Crafting' book by Phyllis Curott, in the 'Potions and Notions' chapter.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Lindsey Stirling - Shadows.

Lindsey Stirling - Shadows.

... usually i don't like violin plays, but Lindsey Stirling is great!

Monday, September 2, 2024

Daughter of Ether & Nanotech.

In Mage: the Ascension there's tradition faction called: 'Sons of Ether'.

Over a decade ago i've met in the internet a friend, a woman from France.

She's a Beautiful Artist & Scientist, she knows Physics & Chemistry, she's a witch, a hard-working woman and Daugther of Ether / pl: 'Córa Eteru' / with a lot of Nephandi allies (Nephandi are Magicians who use Black Magick). She's not worst at computer programming as well - at least by my high, Virtual Adept's standards.

With her, and some help in the field of Biology (Molecular Biology mostly), the Power of Nanotechnology is within our reach - as the Physics, Chemistry & Biology are keys to Nanotech.

If we have the Power of Nanotechnology, my Computer Sciences knowledge & Experience can be used to control Nanomachines - as computers can control machines. This would be the distributed application / pl: 'aplikacja rozproszona' / - software that spans over many machines that collaborate, work together for a common goal.

(Perhaps Advanced Mathematics, Microscopy, Electronics & Mechatronics can be useful as well).

I've had insights (thoughts appearing in my mind) that this can be arranged, and perhaps even a fully-fledged Nanotechnologist (Buddhist Nanotechnologist) will join us if/when we have support of Physics, Chemistry & Biology.

I've had insights that my friend Martha (from Poland) can find and handle a biologist for us as well.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Necronomicon, Horror on the Orient Express & Deals with Technocracy.

There's roleplaying game titled: 'Call of Cthulhu'.

Some players play spiritually, I think... to build supernatural powers for the team and game master/storyteller ... and to coordinate themselves.

There's adventure called: 'Horror on the Orient Express'.

Why to play this adventure campaign?

For example to have more control over the supernatural hazards on the pilgrimage/trade routes to Tibet via the Orient. Both Far East and Middle East are Orient as well.

Since a while i had insights (thoughts appearing in mind) that something has to be done about some players, as they went way too far in that...

I've planned to use Mage: the Ascension for this, but then a friend from my past contacted me in my mind.

Her name is Martha, and she studied Necronomicon since youth. She's dangerous occultist i think, but this time she sided with me, for now at least.

(In Buddhism, friends - by definition - help each other to develop, both spiritually and in more mundane ways).

I think that someone who researched Necronomicon has power over Cthulhu Art & Games, as the Cthulhu Mythos has roots in Necronomicon.

It seems - for now at least - that 'Horror on the Orient Express' is no longer a threat.

At least for as long as Martha is on our side.

I was thinking about myself, and I think that I am a Computer-Oriented Magician, styled as a 'Virtual Adept'.

(Word 'Oriented' is intended, to emphasize my affiliation with Tibetan Buddhism).

... I hope that Technocracy won't be such a big issue for me, and for my friends. I can involve myself in Apple's and Google's technologies and solutions, perhaps someday make deals with Apple and Google, perhaps with Microsoft and/or more as well.

What's the difference between Virtual Adepts and Technocracy?

Virtual Adepts teach and help, while Technocracy protects their secrets to rule and to swim in riches.

But i think that Technocracy has it's good side too - even if it's rare and often fake.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Proofs of Telepathy & Art of Colors.

Am I a telepath?

Recently, a while ago, I had something that looks like a proof that I am.

I thought about Art, about Visual Mood and Tension building and voice in my mind categorized it as 'Intensity Toning'. I never heard these words together before. Then voice explained that it's more generalized, more abstract and complete lesson in Art that encompasses and refines ideas of 'Visual Mood and Tension building'. More professional words too.

I rarely have proofs of telepathy, but sometimes I do. Then after a while psychological ego-rationalization kicks in and makes me doubt again.

The proofs of telepathy give me hope, make me want to live and not suicide, for I often speak in mind with a buddhist woman I love. Less of loneliness. Or I only think so.

Quoting Google:
1. 'Intensity, also called chroma or saturation, refers to the brightness of a color. A color is at full intensity when not mixed with black or white - a pure hue. You can change the intensity of a color, making it duller or more neutral by adding gray to the color'.
2. 'Tone in art simply refers to how light or dark a colour is. Each colour has an almost infinite number of tones. For example, think of the almost infinite variety between baby blue and midnight blue. Tone is now a central point in colour theory and an essential tool for all artists.'

I think the difference is:
1. Intensity is brightness or dullness, amount of grayness mixed in colour,
2. Tone is brightness or darkness, influencing mood and emotions.

P.S. As of recent, I am interrested Art-wise, in:
1. Intensity Toning & Colour Theory,
2. Fascination with Blackness,
3. Play of Light and Shadows.

When Blackness fascinates?

For example we can have a photo with Black, Magickal Athamé Knife. If the Knife protects it fascinates. If the Knife harms more than protects, one wants to puke instead,

Perhaps these lessons will arrive in form of thoughts appearing in my mind, perhaps I will buy books ... or both.

Update of 07.08.2024:

I've bought two books about Color Theory:

'Art of Colors' / PL: 'Sztuka Barwy' / by Johannes Itten is more theoretical, textual. But it contains black and white sketches and colorful images as well. This book is used by Fine Arts Academy in Warsaw, Poland.

'Color & Light' by James Gurney is a text with a lot of images, like album. Some text included, but images serve as best examples of the ideas presented in text. This book was recommended for me by a member of internet discord group: 'Art Lounge', that I am a part of.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Awakening the Witch Within, 7th Step.

I've taken the 7th step to win the Wisdom and to Awaken the Witch Within.

Using the Phyllis Curott's Witches' Wisdom TAROT Deck, I did 1-card read with this intention, the intention for the Deck to show me the way for Self-Development as a Buddhist/Wiccan Witch.

The card drawn was 'Balance'.

Meaning of the image seems to be about balance between wildness and freedom of nature and comforts of civilization. Does civilization truly bring safety? What about wars and car accidents?

But according to Phyllis Curott's guidebook for the TAROT deck, the meaning of the Card is as follows:



Within the magic woods, time shifts and the Pilgrim returns to her childhood. She enters the realms of Spirit and sees the world as it's meant to be. Her grandmother shows her how all things live in Balance. She points to Bear and Fox, to Rose-breasted Grosbeak and Squirrel, to mushrooms and elderberries, to passing clouds and warming Sun, tumbling stream and swimming Fish, all in perfect relationship. They teach the young Pilgrim right from wrong and how to be fair, to treat all with respect and reciprocity.

Her heart skips a beat as she remembers the future without her grandmother and wonders who teaches people then. "Mother Earth teaches all who pay attention," grandmother replies. "Remember the story I told you about the Godess Maat? She holds a single feather to weigh against your heart. Lightness of being is the gift of balance."

Mother Earth is always teaching you what all her children know - the life-sustaining Balance that all Creation shows. Live lightly on the land. Take no more than you need and give back with gratitude for all that you've received. If nothing is wasted, there's enough for everyone.

Receiving and replenishing, interchanging and exchanging, with gratitude and generosity, perfect Balance is maintained and lightness of being is attained. Joy is what it feels like.


Choices. Prosperity, generosity. Repriocity, equilibrium, harmony. Lightness of Spirit, joy. Energy flowing.


Finding Balance within yourself is a key to your sense of peace, happiness, and lightness of Spirit. It's time to consider the choices you're making about your life, your time, your energy.

Where do you need to pay more attention to achieve a healthy Balance in your life? How can you make changes and create more of what you need in order to be Balanced? What are your priorities? Are they making you happy? How can you Balance work with the rest of your life? Are your relationships reciprocal - do you receive as much as you give? Are you valued by those you value?

Reflect on how much you have to be grateful for, how much you're given by Mother Earth, and find ways to give back, to restore Balance, inside and out.


Stand at the center of the circle of your life. Face the East, direction of Air. Do you think too much or not enough before you act? Are you still questioning and learning or worrying and doubting? Breathe in, quiet your mind, love yourself as you are, and thank the Plant People for giving you the breath of Life.

Face South, direction of Fire (Northern Hemisphere), and reach up to the Sun. Are you scared or determined in pursuit of your purpose? What gives you joy? Feel the rush of that energy. Give thanks.

Face West, direction of Water. Are you in touch with your feelings or are you supressing them? Are you loving yourself enough or giving too much of yourself away? Say "I love you" and hug yourself.

Face North and touch the Earth. Are you working too hard and not taking care of yourself? What needs healing? Thank your body and promise to take better care of yourself.

Return to the East and take a deep breath. Feel how present you are.


I've understood that to Awaken as a Buddhist Witch, that to awaken Wisdom within, I need to pay more attention to Nature, to pay attention to Animals and Plants.

I've understood that to Awaken as a Buddhist Witch, that to awaken Wisdom within, I need to take more care of my Body, to take more care of my Mind, that i need to make my lifestyle more Balanced and more aligned with the Nature.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Awakening the Witch Within, 6th Step, part 2nd.

I've asked Reindeer Seer to show me how I can change, to be able to help myself and the world.

Using the Phyllis Curott's Witches' Wisdom TAROT Deck, I did 1-card read with this intention, the intention to show me how i can change and help myself and the world.

The card drawn was '6 of Water'.

I've described this card earlier in this blog.
> [ Awakening the Witch Within, 5th Step ].


I've understood that i should go with the flow, where life takes me - to go with life's flow and to help nature, mother earth in process.

I've understood that sometimes life and one's reality change suddenly, and that one should adapt appropriately. This is both risk and opportunity.

I should focus on my priorities, rest is irrevelant.

Sometimes I'll need to accept harsh lessons and face my destiny boldly.

After going through harsh lessons, one becomes stronger and wiser, afterall.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Awakening the Witch Within, 6th Step, part 1st.

I've taken the 6th step to win the Wisdom and to Awaken the Witch Within.

Using the Phyllis Curott's Witches' Wisdom TAROT Deck, I did 1-card read with this intention, the intention for the Deck to show me the way for Self-Development as a Buddhist/Wiccan Witch.

The card drawn was 'Messenger of Earth'.

Meaning of the image seems to be about gifts and good karma coming here from distant, frozen land. Harsh weather, harsh condition but loving, warm hearts. Like Santa Claus who brings gifts from afar.

But according to Phyllis Curott's guidebook for the TAROT deck, the meaning of the Card is as follows:

Messenger of Earth.


The Reindeer Seer, the Messenger of Earth, stands beside her beloved companion and guide. The world is snow-covered and painted with blue shadows cast by the distant Sun. The Seer is young to have gift of sight. But it's because she is young that she is able to see the future clearly. Civilization had not tied the blindfold of distraction and conformity over her eyes. Her gift is heavy burden, but she sees it's possible to shape the future. She will say what she sees. Will the world listen?


Foresight, weighty responsibility, incorruptibility, virtue. Possibility. Honesty. Truth.


Whether visions come through natural intuition or skillful divination, you can see the future. Don't be afraid that it can't be changed. Witches know that fate is what you make it. Not everything is within your control, but if you use your power to control yourself, the future will be yours to shape. Look within and see what you can change now in order to change what will be. Then look around and see the future is not just about you. The world needs her Witches.


Do another reading and ask the Reindeer Seer to show you what you need to heal in yourself and in the world. Then begin. Commit to doing one small thing for yourself that is connected to doing something for Mother Earth. And follow through. When a Witch gives her word, she must keep it.


I've understood that to Awaken the Witch Within, i need to do sometimes things for myself and for the world.

I'll change myself in a way that will make me able to pursue something that will benefit both me and the world.

I'll change my fate and fate of the World, if only a little.

I'll need to do another reading, will try to do it as soon possible and post on this blog.
> [ Awakening the Witch Within, 6th Step, part 2nd ].