Monday, January 25, 2016


Simple Wicca Altar Chalice, a Silver Plated Vintage.

... a little of a tarnish - still a beauty,
With a hourglass-like shape to accent feminity's aspect.


A chalice is essentially just a goblet or cup intended to hold drink, but, in religious terms, it is specifically a cup intended for use during a ceremony or ritual. Wicca and other forms of Neopaganism often make use of chalices in their rituals, and a chalice (containing wine, whiskey, water or other liquids) may be placed on an altar or on the ground.


In Wicca, the chalice is one of the four elemental tools of witchcraft (along with the pentacle, the athame and the wand), and represents the element of Water. It is a symbol of containment and represents the womb of the Goddess. The base is symbolic of the material world, the stem symbolises the connection between man and spirit, and the rim or opening symbolically receives spiritual energy. In the Wiccan Great Rite, a chalice (as a feminine principle) is often used in combination with the athame (a ceremonial black-handled knife, as a male principle) as a ritual symbolic representation of sexual intercourse, and as a symbol of universal creativity. A chalice is also used in the Small Rite of Wicca.

The chalice can be made of any material. In olden times, horns, shells and gourds were used to hold sacred liquids during ritual. Then, in later times, silver became the preferred material, having long been associated with the moon and the Goddess. The chalice is used to hold the blessed water and wine during ritual, and it is traditional in many covens to pass the chalice around all members, who then take a drink, as a token of unity.



Cups represent the Element of Water.

Key idea here is 'Soul', when cup card is drawn, it might mean that from Soul an answer(s) might arise.

Water in itself is incapable of being held, or understood. With cups it becomes capable of being held or analyzed. As water symbolizes our feelings, the cups represent everything that gives graspable form to our mysterious spiritual forces. Cups are 'personification' of specified feelings, show mainly our wishes & fears, souls' needs & neccessities.

Associations with Cups: 'woman's womb', 'woman's heritage', 'search for holy grail by medieval knights', 'source, also origin', 'outlet, also destiny', 'water of life & death', 'source of eternal youth', 'baptism', 'tears', 'fulfillment', 'moon'.

-- Translated & Paraphrased from the book 'TAROT dla początkujących' by Evelin Bürger, Johannes Fiebig.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Computer System Vulnerability Scan.


both hackers as well as security personnel needs to be aware of computer system vulnerabilities, either to exploit them or to plug the holes in security.

vulnerability scanning is method that allows to learn about possible threats to computer system's security (the more we know about open ports & software on target machine, the higher probability of a succesful hack - done or averted).

Host Address.

in networks, including the Internet, computers need to be uniquely addressed, for example with an IP Address.

this address might be for example: '' or other.

Applications & Ports.

operating systems often provide services, applications that can be 'talked with'. these applications 'listen' on a given port(s), waiting for communication to occur.

for example, a web server might listen on port 80 for internet traffic, once contacted these serve web pages or other internet resources.

Known Ports.

often enough a given port is widely recognized as dedicated for a given service, for example:
- port 22 for ssh,
- port 80 for serving web pages,
... etc.

these ports are usually used as expected, but occasionally might be reassigned to different number for security purposes.

Port Scanning.

a vulnerability scanner is capable of determining the ports that are open on a system by sending successive requests to the various ports, with analysis of the responses to determine which ones are active.

this often leaves a mark of contact attempt, that is logged (written in some form) within a computer system.

an example of a port scanning code is available on a screenshot below (it's written in Java Programming Language):

a simple port scan.

above code is also available for download.

more sophisticated vulnerability scanners might try to guess which application in which version is listening on a given port, by analyzing communication & trying to recognize protocol (form of messages exchanged & their ordering).

even more sophisticated vulnerability scanners might attempt to guess Operating System & Version installed on a computer system, by checking available services & their versions. this is called OS Fingerprinting.

this often is a prelude to hacking attempt.


above port scan is fairly slow, there might be speed ups or delays if we use:
- different timeout value (maximum time for attempting port connection),
- parallelization (trying multiple ports at the same time).

Professional Tools.

there are professional tools, for example: NMap.


Austrian crystal point, Goddess Power Wand.
Spiral Goddess energy with star and moon.


it's a toss-up as to whether wands or brooms are the tools most associated with witches.

wands are used to direct magical energy.

a wand may also be understood as tapping into power of trees.

different types of wood are believed to radiate different energies, and thus suit different magical purposes. a magic wand carved from applewood, for instance, is believed especially beneficial for love magic, while a wand carved from poisonous plants like yew, oleander or hemlock enables necromancy.

faery witches may use rose's long stem as a wand.

some practicioners use only one wand, while others collect different wands, using each for specific purposes.

wands may be ornamented with crystals, feathers, and amulets. they may be engraved with sigils, runes, hieroglyphs, sacred names of power, or magical inscriptions. as described in the Harry Potter novels, wands may be hollowed out and filled with a reed or other material.

-- Translated from 'The Weiser Field Guide to witches' by Judika Illes.


wands or scepters represent the fire element.

key idea here is 'will' - as in fire metal is ennobled, with slag parts becoming cast away or burnt ... that's how works life fire burning within us, ennobling will.

associations: 'wood that is easily burnt', 'fallus', 'witch's broom', 'young sprout, also child', 'old root, also ancestor', 'life's energy', 'fireworks', 'purgatory', 'man's inheritance', 'sun'.

My Wand.

My wand, is an Austrian crystal point, Goddess Power Wand.

Spiral Goddess energy with star and moon.

it's type makes it best for Power, Abundance & Healing, including Healing Mind & Brain.

What can heal can also harm, including harming health, including harming mental health.


See also, if You wish or need, ... :
- Which is Fire, Which is Air?

Magick vs Magic.

Magick, in the context of Aleister Crowley's Thelema, is a term used to differentiate the occult from stage magic and is defined as 'the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will', including both 'mundane' acts of will as well as ritual magic.

Crowley wrote that 'it is theoretically possible to cause in any object any change of which that object is capable by nature'.

That is, certain people use word Magick to describe Reality Changes & word Magic to describe pulling rabbits off' their hats on a stage. Other people make no such distinction - they use word Magic to describe both.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Magic Tools: Elements, Gender & other Aspects.

it's summarized in a table:

ToolElementGenderMind's Aspect

* depending on a Tradition, Athamé might be Air or Fire; Wand might be Fire or Air.

see also, if You wish, or need, ... : Which is Fire, Which is Air?

according to this, there's observation:
- Wind (Air) & Fire are male aspects, these also might represent soldiers with weapons (sword instead of athamé) under the general with it's attributes (scepter instead of wand),
- Water & Earth are female aspects, together these are mud in which Lotus Flower grows, perhaps?

see also, if You wish, or need, ... : Wind & Fire, many forms.

on the other hand, we can argue that it's tool that has gender associated, not element itself.

both Athamé & Wand are straight, male ... both Pentacle & Chalice are circle-shaped, female.

... but, why bother with these considerations?

it has uses in Arts, if You care enough to say something well.

See also, if You wish or need, ... :
- TAROT Cards & Tools.

The Witches Pentacle.

Sterling Silver Pentacle Pendant.

The Elemental Pentacle.

The Pentacle, the most famous symbol of Witchcraft is a bold and fascinating statement about our place in the Universe. When the pentacle is drawn or written, the image created is called a pentagram. The pentagram represents an ancient concept that can be found in philosophical thought in both East and West. Although over 8,000 years old, the image of the pentagram is applicable in our modern world. The pentagram tells us that we have the ability to bring Spirit to Earth; this applies to every area of practical day-to-day living, as well as spiritual thought. The ability of bringing Spirit to Earth is what makes us whole.

In Craft rituals, the pentacle is a round disk inscribed with a pentagram and placed upon on the altar. The disk can be made of many different materials.

In more dangerous times, the pentacle was crafted from disposable materials such as clay or dough. To be caught in possession of a pentacle in those days could very well endanger your life.

Nowadays, pentacles are crafted in metals such as copper, brass, silver or gold. Many Witches make their own from stained glass or by etching stones or wood. The pentacle can also be personalized by adding appropriate astrological symbols, runes and other sigils (magical symbols) that have special meaning to the practitioner.

Many Witches wear a pentacle pendant or ring as a sign of their religion or as an amulet or talisman. The pentacle crafted from silver represents Moon energy and psychic forces. The same symbol made in gold represents the Sun energies of power and strength. Many pentacles come with embedded stones which can represent birth months or a particular energy that the wearer wants to attract.

During magical operations, the pentagram can be drawn in the air by the athame or sword. When drawn a certain way, it is used to either invoke or banish energies. Used on the altar, it becomes a focal point to draw in and send out the intentions of the spell or working. The simplest spells of this kind are those involving candle magic. A candle of the appropriate color is charged and place on the pentacle.

Traditionally, each of the five angles has been attributed to the five metaphysical elements of the ancients:

EARTH: (lower left hand corner) represents stability and physical endurance.
FIRE: (lower right hand corner) represents courage and daring.
WATER: (upper right hand corner) represents emotions and intuition.
AIR: (upper left hand corner) represents intelligence and the arts.
SPIRIT: (at the topmost point) represents the All and the Divine.

The Circle around the star represents the God-Goddess; it refracts and reflects all light, bringing to the wearer total intelligence, universal wisdom and protection.

The origins of the pentagram go back to remotest historical antiquity. As far back as pre-Babylonian Sumer, it has been venerated by many civilizations. To the Jewish peoples, it symbolically designated the Pentateauch, the Five Books of Moses It has survived under a variety of titles, such as 'The Druid's Root' and 'The Witches Star'.

To the followers of Pythagoras, it was called 'The Pentalpha' being composed of five interlaced A's or Alphas. The Alpha being the first word of the alphabet, we can perhaps view it as showing forth unity in the midst of multiplicity. The individual as part of the Whole.

To ceremonial magicians, the points can represent various elemental energies, spirits or deities.
It is the ruling of the higher mind over the lower elements of our being. It signals the awakening of cosmic consciousness and the beginnings of our own human psyche moving beyond the realms of physical form and the perceptions limited to the five senses. It allows the infinite possibilities that exist within the Universe and frees us to explore and to grow.

This becomes a graphic portrayal of Spirit ruling over the five elements. When the pentagram is placed within a circle, it's energy is focused and directed. The pentagram upright, to those of spiritual perception, represents the redemption of Spirit from matter by ruling over it.

Used inverted, with the top point pointed downward, it represents a second or third degree status in some traditional groups. Many of these groups have since substituted a triangle form for the same degrees because of the association of the inverted form of the pentacle with Satanism and black magic.

The number five is attributed to the influence of Mars. Thus some Witches think of the five pointed star within the circle as force or power contained and controlled by divine wisdom.

Protection like no other.

The Pentacle is the absolute symbol of protection.

If you must dabble in the art of spell casting and conjuring, you MUST have the protection that only the Pentacle can lend to you.

As a talisman, you can use it to cast open, protect and close a circle.

It can be used in ceremonies and rituals as protection and spiritual control.

The symbol represents your protection from negative, evil energies and against attacks from spirits and demons. It also allows you to conjure, command and control those forces which may harm you.

Source: The 5 Reasons Why You Should Wear a Pentacle.


Coins, also called Discs or Pentacles represent the Element of Earth. Key concept is 'body', both as of living being, as well as something material. Pentacles' cards often are about something practical, results that You seek, change or create by Yourself.

Another concept of great importance is 'talent'. During Biblical times talent meant coin. At the same time 'talent' means mark on someone, something experienced by someone.

Thus, cards of pentacles represent our skills, experiences, our marks, things we endure, as well as our external & material assets as money.

Associations with Coins/Discs are: 'face' & 'gravity of earth'.

Tracing our talents we can learn about ourselves as well, even if the meanings of our talents changes over time.

-- Translated & Paraphrased from the book 'TAROT dla początkujących' by Evelin Bürger, Johannes Fiebig.

A Mantra / a Spell for the Silver Pentacle.

(EN) ... Shall protect Mind as a Moon; Reflecting Light in the Dark.
(PL) ... Będzie chronił Umysł jak Księżyc; Refleksy Światła w Ciemnościach.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Athamé Consecration.


there are three basic reasons for taking tools through the process of consecration and empowerment tools.
these are:

  • it removes any left over negative residue or energies that have attached to the item from previous users or places,
  • it melds your positive energy with that of the Universe to bring divinity,
  • it instills this energy into the object for positive purposes,
  • the act of ritually consecrating your tools also allows you to easily gain a strengthened and calmed attitude toward yourself and your work, allowing you to focus your energies without constraint.

When to perform Consecration Ritual?

there are many opinions as to which times are best to perform a tool consecration ritual. as is the case with many rituals, these times are generally related to moon phases. two common times are:

  • during the new moon – this time represents new beginnings, new projects and new life paths.
  • during the full moon – at this time the energies of the full moon may be incorporated into the ritual. the energies radiated a few days preceding the full moon can also be used to cleanse your tools.

Consecrating With the Elements.

as it is quite apparent, the elements generally play such an important role in the life of a practicing one. cleansing and consecrating tools using the elements of the four cardinal directions brings to your tools the attributes associated with each of them.

before we can consecrate our tools we need to gather a few items to represent each of the four elements of earth, air, fire and water. the following item are commonly used:

  • salt or soil – earth,
  • incense – air,
  • candle flame – fire,
  • dish of water - water.

below i have provided a brief explanation of the attributes associated with each of the elements, their direction, and the way in which i generally use the elements to cleans and consecrate my tools.

note that in which direction you place the elements and which attributes you associate with them is entirely up to you. these are my own personal preferences.

Air – in the east – creativity, thought processes, inspiration, new beginnings, intellect.

turn east, pass the tool three times through the smoke of the incense while saying:

'by the eternal power of Air, be purified. be dedicated to purity,
that all goals you help me to achieve may be for the harm of none and for the good of all beings.'

Fire – in the north – purification, courage, creativity, absolute (absolute means Buddha or God(s)).

turn north, pass the tool through the flame of the candle three times while saying:

'by the eternal power of Fire, be purified. be dedicated to desire,
that all goals you help me to achieve may be for the harm of none and for the good of all beings.'

Earth – in the west – fertility, strength, stability, growth, foundations, material abundance, healing.

turn west, tap the tool on the salt or soil three times while saying:

'by the eternal power of Earth, be purified.
be dedicated to steadfastness, that through you,
my will be achieved with harm to none and for the good of all beings.'

Water – in the south – intuition, emotions, inner self, cleansing of all things, reflection, tides of life.

turn south, with your fingers sprinkle water on the tool three times while saying:

'by the eternal power of Water, be purified.
be dedicated to emotion, that in complete harmony shall
you be used for the harm of none and for the good of all beings.'

Empowering Your Tools.

there are as many ways to empower your ritual tools, as there are people on this earth. empowering your tools makes them sacred. any combination of the following can be used, or you may feel more comfortable with another method.

  • Empowering with Symbols.

etching and engraving symbols onto your tools and personalizing them using your own creativity is a form of empowering. although it may not seem directly apparent you are melding your personal energies with the tool to create a personal bond between you and your tool. your tools will obtain much more sentimental value when you have used your own creative energies to personalize your tools.

  • Using Your Personal Power.

this is a more direct method of empowering your tools. it is when you are working directly with the energies themselves and your intent is perfectly clear, to meld your energies with the tool.

hold your Athamé (or hand if the tool being consecrated is your Athamé) above the tool and visualize an orb of silver light forming in your chest. concentrate all of your energies into this ball as it increases in size. once you feel you have built up enough energy begin to direct it up into your projective arm and down into your hand/Athamé. visualize the energy encasing the tool, forming a protective shield around it. see the energy sinking into the tool and becoming a part of it.

you have used your own personal energy empower the tool directly.

  • Calling on the Power of the Absolute, of Universal Energy.

the next way of empowering tools that I wish to present is by asking for the powers of Absolute, the Lord or Lady to meld with the tool. we do this in much the same way as empowering with our own personal energies but this time we source those energies from the Absolute, the Universal Energy.

after empowering tools one should generally speak an affirmation to seal in the energies placed into the tool. these words can be ad lib or something like the following:

'by the Free Will of all
and with harm to none
as i will
so shall it be done!'

Dedication/Presentation to the Absolute.

it is my choice to who i present and dedicate my tools to first. i chose Buddha as first, then Wiccan Godess as second.

i'll do it by sitting before Buddha's image, holding Athamé with both hands, inner sides upwards.

i'll do it by saying as i sit & offer:

'i offer this Athamé Tool to Buddha, for sake of Universal Enlightenment.
i offer this Athamé Tool to Godess, for sake of Mutual Protection & Better Relations.'

this concludes this workshop on Tool Consecration.



-=- Pentagram Stick & Cone Incense Burner, -=-
-=- Ivory Lace Escential Essences Incense - Stick, -=-
-=- Four Element Candles. -=-

-=- -=-


- Ivory Lace Incense can be used to invoke air, ultra-conciousness, memory, communication and reason,
- An incense burner with the most important symbol of Witchcraft, the pentacle. The pentacle (or pentagram) is a Witches symbol of protection and positive power. The five points signify earth, air, fire, water and spirit. This amazing wood burner can burn up to 15 incense sticks at once. It can also burn cone incense in the middle of the pentagram. 5 inches,
- These herbal candles represent the four elements; earth, air, fire and water. Each candle has been uniquely created to embody one of four basic elements of our universe. Great for ritual use to represent the quarters, each candle is about 2 inches.

Saturday, January 16, 2016


... i've seen it in the Internet, it's nice for page owners to offer this a Service & this a Service.

as i draw Spells from it, or find other uses, i should repay the debts ... i'll find a way, i think - already had insights with ideas.

i've also bought books of Magic & Witchcraft.

Spells drawn so far:

1. Banish Bad Habits Bath Spell.

Items needed:
  • White and Blue Candle,
  • Amethyst Crystal or Stone,
  • Essential Oils: Frankincense, Rose Geranium, Lemongrass, Sweet Orange.

light the candles; imagine yourself surrounded by healing beneficial energy.

place the amethyst crystal in a tub of warm water a few drops each of the essential oils.

while soaking in the warm water spend time visualizing the bad habit leaving your body through every pore. once you feel completely 'clean' spend some time visualizing your life without the bad habit. once you have the vision of yourself habit-free firmly fixed in your mind, begin affirmations such as:

'i am free of (name habit), i am strong and healthy, my mind is clear.
my life is wonderful and i am loved and protected.'

2. Reverse the Evil Magic.

if someone is trying to perform a dark spell to you such as a bad luck harm or death spell. this spell will send to them what they are trying to send you.

Items needed:
  • Mirror,
  • White Clothes,
  • 5 White Candles.

wear white clothes light 3 candles and hold 2 in your hands focus on the person who is trying to harm you and then look at yourself in the mirror and chant:

'Ancient divine spirits unleash your force to the worm.
Make him suffer as I would show no remorse and harm the worm,
so mote it be!'

blow the candles out.

3. Disconnection Ritual for Protection.

this simple ritual cuts you off, on multiple levels, from someone who is attacking you or your sacred space.

choose the person whom you wish to disconnect. focus on that person with all your intention, and use a voice of command, out loud, to say the following ancient disconnect litany to the person. it does not matter that the person is not anywhere near you - the disconnect litany will disconnect you from that person, regardless of where they may be.

'i am neither your creature nor your get,
to be moved by your whim or your let;
i will go my own way,
by night or by day,
to serve my own purposes yet.'

4. Curse to death.

it is a curse from the salem witch trials.


'god will give you blood to drink'.

Repet that 2 then he will die but it will take time.

5. Remove a death curse.

to remove a curse of death from you.

say three times:

'A curse of death I have received, shall fully go away today.
It is not my time, so remove this curse, I do not deserve that or worse.
The curse shall go, and I shall thrive, alive.
This curse of death is banished from my body.
This is my will, so mote it be.'

Friday, January 15, 2016

Wind & Fire, many forms.

... Wind & Fire can be used in many a Form with an Art, i think.

in Buddhism Wind & Fire represent Liberating Wisdom, as in Mahakala Invocation book is written.

in Western TAROT-related Symbolism, Wind & Fire, although varying as to which is which, can represent a Scepter (or a Wand) & a Sword (or a Athamé Ritual Knife) ... Scepters are tools of Field Generals, Military Leaders & Swords are carried by the well trained soldiers.

... there's a play of words, between Which & Witch.

which is Fire ? witch is Fire ?
... i think in a way they are.

which is Air ? witch is Air ?
... i think in a way they can be.

Fire is associated with fiery passions & emotions of Love & related.
Air is 'Rarest' of Elements, as in 'Noblest', for humans crave it most.

which way of practicing Magick i'll adopt?

the few that are not against Buddha's Way & which provide the strongest of arguments. where ideas contradict, i'll take Buddhism's viewpoint & will try to act as a peace-negotiator.

... if everything goes as planned, in most of cases i'll use Athamé/Sword with Air, Wand/Scepter with Fire in my practice.

see also, if You wish or need, ... : Milarepa, Stupas.

Monday, January 11, 2016

The Ascension.

You may say I'm a dreamer
But i am not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one.

-- John Lennon, 'Imagine'

Mages view themselves as sculptors of reality. Though a suprising number remain ignorant of the macrocosmic implications of their craft, the most enlightened pursue an ideal known as Ascension. Ascension is spoken of often, but rarely analyzed or explained. Ascension has different meanings for different mages. In general, Ascension is viewed as the goal of perfecting not only one's own soul, but all reality. Mages view ascension as the journey toward ultimate enlightenment.

-- Quoted from 'Mage: the Ascension' a Book.

Can a work within the frames of Reality be considered an effort, accomplishment, progress toward attaining Enlightenment?

i think yes, i heard that one can use a Form to go beyond a Form from a Buddhist Teacher, i also read that Dana - offering - is also an important part of Buddhist practice.

Why i mention Buddhism here?

Because of use of the 'Enlightenment' word.

see also, if You wish or need, ... : Mage: The Ascension.

Which is Fire, Which is Air?

... sources in the Internet vary.

in the book about TAROT i've found following:
- Swords are associated with the Element of Air,
- Wands (or Scepters) are associated with the Element of Fire.

also i've found article that pointed out that following traditions of:
- Wiccan influenced by Gerald Gardner,
- Thelema,
- The Golden Dawn,
- O.T.O.

practice from as best as i can tell, the athamé - air, wand - fire analogy.

... there are those who practice athamé - fire, wand - air as well.

... is Athamé a Sword?

i've found information in an article that it's a shorter version of the Sword, to be used as a 'personal tool' for Ritual Magick, as for example mentioned in 'The Keys of Solomon'.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Books of Magick.

... guided by insight or other thoughts, i've downloaded & printed today two of Magick-related books, with an intent to read & use if Buddha & few of the others don't disagree.

these books are:
> [ The Book of the Law ],
> [ The Greater Key of Solomon Part 1 ];

The Book of the Law.

Liber AL vel Legis is the central sacred text of Thelema, written down from dictation mostly by Aleister Crowley, although Rose Edith Crowley is also known to have written two phrases into the manuscript of the Book after its dictation.

Source: [ Wikipedia ].

The Key of Solomon.

The Key of Solomon is a grimoire incorrectly attributed to King Solomon. It probably dates back to the 14th or 15th century Italian Renaissance. It presents a typical example of Renaissance magic.

The Key of Solomon is divided into two books. It describes not the appearance or work of any spirit but only the necessary drawings to prepare each "experiment" or, in more modern language, magical operations.

Unlike later grimoires such as the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum (16th century) or the Lemegeton (17th century), the Key of Solomon does not mention the signature of the 72 spirits constrained by King Solomon in a bronze vessel. As in most medieval grimoires, all magical operations are ostensibly performed through the power of God, to whom all the invocations are addressed. Before any of these operations (termed "experiments") are performed, the operator must confess his sins and purge himself of evil, invoking the protection of God.

Book I

The Key of Solomon. Book I contains conjurations, invocations and curses to summon and constrain spirits of the dead and demons in order to compel them to do the operator's will. It also describes how to find stolen items, become invisible, gain favour and love, and so on.

Book II

Book II describes various purifications which the operator (termed "exorcist") should undergo, how they should clothe themselves, how the magical implements used in their operations should be constructed, and what animal sacrifices should be made to the spirits.

Source: [ Wikipedia ].

Monday, January 4, 2016


What is a Drone?

... an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), commonly known as a drone and also referred by several other names, is an aircraft without a human pilot aboard. The flight of UAVs may be controlled either autonomously by onboard computers or by the remote control of a pilot on the ground or in another vehicle.

> source: [ Wikipedia ];

Java API for Drones.

'API' stands for 'Application Programming Interface', it's a toolset for programmers.

from what i read, Java API for Drones allows Java Programmers control drone(s) using a computer & programmatic interface - theoretically not only with a PS3 controller.

Stitie Space & 'Ola AH' Programming Language.

one of use cases for 'Ola AH' Programming Language & for Stitie Space (both in development) is 'robot swarm coordination'.

... with 'Java API for Drones' these should allow for coordinating Drones to fly in Formation(s).

> [ 'Ola AH', Niche Language ],
> [ Stitie Machine & Stitie Space ];

perhaps i should buy a drone or few once i return to work (in 2017 probably).

... by that time drones should be cheaper anyway.

... perhaps can organize a pretty formation-flight show with drones for people to watch ;)