Friday, May 24, 2024

Awakening the Witch Within, 4th Step.

I've taken the 4th step to win the Wisdom and to Awaken the Witch Within.

Using the Phyllis Curott's Witches' Wisdom TAROT Deck, I did 1-card read with this intention, the intention for the Deck to show me the way for Self-Development as a Witch.

The card drawn was 'Guardian'.

Meaning of the image seems to be about oneness with nature, about protecting the Mother Earth from various threats. Humans are only a part of Life and Mother Earth, there are Plants and Animals too.

But according to Phyllis Curott's guidebook for the TAROT deck, the meaning of the Card is as follows:



The Pilgrim's quest has stripped away fears and falsehoods. Unmade and made again by nurturing darkness and engendering light, he sees himself reflected and affirmed by the world that strengthens and sustains him. He is finding confidence and comfort far greater than wealth or privilege can provide. He has learned that there's always reason for hope. The world he lives in is sacred.

He strides forward on the path less traveled, hearing the song of Creation calling him to something greater than himself, calling him to serve. It's dawn. Mist is rising from the verdant greenwood, and because the Pilgrim is ready, the Guardian appears.

Chosen by the Godess Sovereignty, long ago he was called the King, a title and identity sought ever since by frauds who lust for power and treasure and fakers without wisdom or humility. It's an office destined to be held by he who serves the land and all its peoples. This is what makes him worthy: holding his purpose with integrity.

Compassion, inspiration, and example are how he wields his authority, but to defend the Life he serves, he can also wield a sword against those who are cruel, indifferent, and corrupt. His wisdom and motivation arise from the order of Creation. He is the faithful and passionate partner, embodied and divine, of the Godess, whom he has loved since the beginning of time. His every action serves Her creed: That all things make the world a better place for Life,

The Pilgrim stands before the Guardian and feels the strength and gentlesess that radiate from him in equal measure. A modest potion falls upon him like an honor to be carried: to till the fields and tend the animals, stand guard, and step forward. The Pilgrim is ready to be mentored and empowered by responsibility.


God. Confidence, self-respect, responsibility, integrity. Harmony, hope. Protect.


You're coming into a true sense of yourself and your ability to create the life you want. When you're fully present and act with integrity, you'll be increasingly freed from the limitations of ego, jealousy, and selfish ambition, whether yours or someone else's. You're discovering your self-worth and earning your own respect. You're ready to serve something greater than yourself, to stand up for your values, for others, and for the wellbeing of Creation. The Guardian reminds you to seek the mentorship of the older men in your life, especially those who have offered some part of their lives in service. They will remind you what thrue strength is and that there's always reason for hope.


Go outside and pay attention to the trees. When you feel one calling to you, address it as the Guardian:

Guardian, the power of all things
that grow, teach me how to grow,
to be strong, to serve the Life that
is greater than my own.

Sit with your back against the tree's trunk. Feel the Earth below you, the Sun above, the power of Life making all things grow. Feel it moving through you. Feel yourself growing stronger, healthier, more joyful. Remember all good things you are creating in your life. Ask for guidance. Listen to what the Guardian has to teach you. Thank the Guardian, the tree, the grass beneath you, the Plant and Animal People around you. Mother Earth. Sense their acknowledgement. Leave an offering and act on the advice that Guardian has given you.


I've understood that to develop as a Buddhist/Wiccan Witch, I need to take the responsibility of protecting friends, lessons and the natural world. I need self-integrity and attitude of fighting against ego - both mine and of other beings.

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