Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Awakening the Witch Within, 2nd Step.

I've taken the second step to win the Wisdom and to Awaken the Witch Within.

Using the Phyllis Curott's Witches' Wisdom TAROT Deck, I did 1-card read with this intention, the intention for the Deck to show me the way for Self-Development as a Witch.

The card drawn was 'Witch of Fire'.

Meaning of the image can be found within Witch's Eyes, can be found by looking within and can be found in Self-Discovery.

But according to Phyllis Curott's guidebook for the TAROT deck, the meaning of the Card is as follows:

Witch of Fire.


Deep within Mother Earth, a sacred cave is filled with heat and dreams. Swirling smoke conceals then reveals the Witch of Fire. The spark of Life burns in her eyes as she tosses bay leaves into a bowl of glowing embers. Fire dances as she summons visions. The mythic snake wraps round the immortal Oracle as the Pythia looks into your heart. She knows what the future holds and what magic will create it. She knows how the spark of Life becomes flames of joy. But before she shares her precious wisdom with you, you must know yourself.

Blog author's comment: Pythia was the priestesses of the greek deity Apollo. Pythia were highly regarded, for it was believed that she channeled prophecies from Apollo himself, while stepped in a dreamlike trance.

A Pythia was chosen among the priestesses of the temple upon the death of the previous Pythia. At the height of its popularity up to three Pythiai were known to hold office. Pythias were likely women from higher-class families, were educated, and well-read.

At the temple center, Pythia sat on a covered tripod cauldron over a deep well-like chasm. Seated in this way, enveloped by vapors while shaking bay branches, the Pythia would fall into a trance state and channel the god. In this way did the Pythia pronounce judgment and prophecy to those in attendance.

Those seeking the counsel of Apollo and his priestess would bring offerings of laurel branches, gifts of money, and a sacrifice of a black ram.

Apollo was deity associated with the bow, music, poetry, healing, purification, medicine and divination. The epitome of youth and beauty, source of life and healing, patron of the arts, and as bright and powerful as the sun itself, Apollo was perhaps the most loved of all the gods.

Divination is more or less fortunetelling, obtaining information.


Look within. Know yourself. Find gold in the dark.


The Fire Witch challenges you to discover what you truly want. It may not be what you first think. Look within and don't be blocked by what frightens you. There is gold in the darkness - lessons that will liberate your Spirit and empower you. When you recognize that, the Fire Witch will show you how to bring your dreams into being and fill your life with joy.


Create a dream pillow. Hold dried mugwort / EN: 'Mugwort' = PL: 'Bylica', 'Piołun' /, preferably organic, and ask it to work with you. Fill a small cotton / EN: 'cotton' = PL: 'bawełna' / bag with it or tie it in a cotton handkerchief. Ask your question. Ask for a sign, for a guide. Ask your dreams to help you. Place the dream pillow under your pillow. Go to sleep. When you wake up, before getting out of bed, write down everything you remember from your dreams.


I've understood that I need to look within, to understand what I truly need. This might be different from what I thought so far.

I've understood that I need to precise what I want from Wicca/Witchcraft, why I want to be an officially initiated Wiccan/Witch.

From Wicca/Witchcraft i want friendships, wisdom, protection, blessings and to develop my love-attractiviness and good style. Slim shape, nice scent, nice dress etc. But I also want from Wicca/Witchcraft to teach me how to perform wisely the supernatural acts, how to empower my spells, how to make my spells manifest faster and better. I want my practices to be as simple as possible, to be a fine and beautiful works of Art, Art of Magick & Light. I want to see/hear/etc. proofs that my magick & other supernatural powers really work. Finally, I want Wicca/Witchcraft and Buddhism to understand each other, to nicely, fairly and efficiently work together, to fulfill mutual goals together.

I want to repay Wicca/Witchcraft in kind, to serve, to help, to support & to donate money for all the efforts Wiccans/Witches do for me. I understand that Wiccans/Witches also have their costs & expenses, and I do not want to unfair & ungrateful.

I've also understood that i should not be afraid of life's hardships, for these are lessons. By going through hardships, one develops inner strength and wisdom, at least.

'Real development happens beyond the comfort zone'.

I plan to make a dream pillow and sleep on it, then to update & precise what I really want and need.

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