Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Low Magick: a 'Decision Paralysis' Spell.

... i've to decided to learn a subtle & tricky mind-affecting spell, named 'Decision Paralysis' using one of my M:tGO cards, three spells from other game & other means.

i've skryed on spells from M:tGO cards already before.

... some of my insights revealed me that two of D&D spells can be combined into one:


-=- ... click image to enlarge, if You wish. -=-

'Phantasmal Killer' & 'Hold Person' can be merged into a 'Phantasmal Hold' - this way power is increased, and nonlethality kept.

Potentially it can make beings feel paralyzed for a short while, without knowing the cause.

There was a time when i felt paralyzed supernaturally, i think it was how a Buddhist / Esoteric Powerfield worked on me.

-=- ... click image to enlarge, if You wish. -=-

'Phantasmal Hold' can be followed by 'Daze', to keep someone distracted, perhaps confused for a short amount of time after paralysis is subtly induced.

... this can result into a moment of 'Decision Paralysis', nonlethal effect that can make someone slip a moment of awareness, without reacting to what's happening around.

There's also a M:tGO spell card named 'Decision Paralysis', i think can be used to similar effect.

But as with rule 'amounts can translate to quality', other idea sources can be used with it as well.

-=- ... click image to enlarge, if You wish. -=-

Friday, January 26, 2018

Blackmore's Night - 'The Circle'.

'Blackmore's Night - 'The Circle'.

I've been here for a million years
Through the joy, through the tears
But when I am gone this will go on
And the circle starts again

I've watched the mountains rise from dust
Saw the gold return to rust
I had cried when the oceans died
And the circle starts again


I was here when the world began to turn
Kissed the sun as it started to burn
The whispering at the reckoning said
"The circle starts again"

The moon was rising from above
I caught her eye and thought it was love
But she turned her back, the sky went black
And the circle starts again


I danced through castles made of stone
Walked the desert sands alone
In the midnight hour you feel the power
And the circle starts again

Now the question falls to you, my friend
No beginning has no end
Will we ever learn, will the world still turn,
Will the circle start again?


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Eye & Ring, two of new Spell - Mantras.

... following insights, i did buy two of Magic: the Gathering Online spell cards.


-=- M:rGO cards used. -=-

... then thoughts appeared, structures in mind formed.

... got insights that these spell cards have uses in Spell - Mantras, as follows:

'It is Eye',

'It is Ring'.

... then insights explained that Mind's Eye is associated with Thrid Eye & Crown Chakras, that grant telepathic ability to see what's in my mind, and through it - with minds with whose i have connection with. Had insight that telepathy works through one's subconsciousness, and can result in Visualizations, as well, anyway.

... insights explained me that Mind's Eye also allows to reach for Inspiration, for Wisdom.

... insights explained me that Mind's Eye casts light around, creating shadows as well, so it has Protecting Qualities.

... had insights explaining me that Ring is associated with my Loving Eyes Signet, as well as with Sol Ring, therefore it can be used to enhance one's Compassion, Love, and Spiritual Power.

... had insights that this Ring is associated with the Heart Chakra as well.

... i've started to use following Spell - Mantras:

'It is Eye' - to understand thoughts & feelings in my consciousness, and to gain Wisdom of how to react to these Wisely, to Protect as well, mostly my Mind from disturbing thoughts & feelings,

'it's a Ring' - to increase Spiritual Power, Compassion & Unconditional Love,

'Awaken' - for myself & others to realize Mind's Potential, to defeat anger, hate & fear,

'Awaken Away' - for myself & others to realize Mind's Potential, to defeat anger, hate & fear, to create distance & space in Mind.

i've used these Spell Mantras in my mind, and succesfully defeated many of disturbing thoughts & feelings, understood myself better, perhaps understood words of others as well.

My Buddhist Way focuses on Mantras, it's Holy Tantric Mantrayana Way, combined with the Way of Insight, with Way of Trust as well/ On the Way of Trust one identifies himself or herself with Teachers, tries to think & behave as Teachers, until becomes as them /.

i am starting to see that Mantras & Spells affect me greatly, that these can be powerful.

-=- My Silver Loving Eyes Signet Ring. -=-

Monday, January 22, 2018

Mind's Eye, Ajna Chakra.

The third eye (also called the mind's eye, or inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept of a speculative invisible eye which provides perception beyond ordinary sight.

In certain dharmic spiritual traditions, the third eye refers to the ajna, or brow, chakra.

The third eye refers to the gate that leads to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness.

In New Age spirituality, the third eye often symbolizes a state of enlightenment or the evocation of mental images having deeply personal spiritual or psychological significance.

The third eye is often associated with religious visions, clairvoyance, the ability to observe chakras and auras, precognition, and out-of-body experiences.

People who are claimed to have the capacity to utilize their third eyes are sometimes known as seers.

In some traditions such as Hinduism, the third eye is said to be located around the middle of the forehead, slightly above the junction of the eyebrows.

In Taoism and many traditional Chinese religious sects such as Chan (called Zen in Japanese), 'third eye training' involves focusing attention on the point between the eyebrows with the eyes closed, and while the body is in various qigong postures.

The goal of this training is to allow students to tune into the correct 'vibration' of the universe and gain a solid foundation on which to reach more advanced meditation levels.

Taoism teaches that the third eye, also called the mind's eye, is situated between the two physical eyes, and expands up to the middle of the forehead when opened.

Taoism claims that the third eye is one of the main energy centers of the body located at the sixth Chakra, forming a part of the main meridian, the line separating left and right hemispheres of the body.

Source: Third eye on Wikipedia.

-=- M:tGO art-card, 'Mind's Eye' -=-

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wolf - Mechanu Love Lore.

Got insights about possible future, sharing it is also seeding causes of it happening in the future, as with a self-fulfilling prophecy.

See also, if You wish: 'Wolf, Ciril & Mechanu'.

'Wolfe used to sleep naked among wolves in deep forest, that's how she befriended animals & gained her godly powers.

She hated Mechanu at first, for his Science invaded Nature, killed animals.

One day when young she-wolf was crippled by a robot attack, she accused Mechanu again, playing cleverly on his guilt.

Mechanu answered that Science can also heal & protect animals, nature.

Wolfe disbelieved and told him to prove.

Mechanu adopted her, and in his laboratory installed excessingly expensive components, cybernetic implants in her dying body.

She recovered, for he cared.

Then he trained her.

She was unique among similar projects, for army used combat wolves with more cost-effective, weaker implants for selected tasks.

Army used in-vitro-bred animals for their purposes, conditioned & trained them from the very beginning of their lives.

Adopted cub of Mechanu was spared that ordeal, she was trained from youth but not from birth. Thanks to that she could fight even when implants were powered down - remembering her youth without. In her superior implants-combat she was trained very well as well, and had many advantages.

One external influence sponsored & ordered installment of 'assassination subsystem' in her body, so it was done as well.

Mechanu's she-wolf had eye-lazorz / lazorz are advanced phasers, multi-wavelength energy emitters disguised as lasers /, as well as nanotechnology that could form shield around her, extend her jumping abilities, make invisible, dampen sounds around, and far more.

Mind-machine-interface allowed to upload skill-software in her computer-aided brain.

When she was recovered from death, and ready to fight ... Wolf told Mechanu her Love, and explained that 'Mechanu-wolfe' is their adopted kid.

Ciril supported their connection, was their friend 'till the end.

Mechanu-wolfe's subsystems were expensive to maintain, so they made her mercenary-soldier for hire, to cover the costs.

She lived as a hero, more intelligent, wise & aware than most animals.'

Inkubus Sukkubus - 'Burning Times'.

Art-Created Gods.

... since Art exists, it affects Mind, Feelings, Thoughts & Beliefs.

Art's influence reaches far, especially in the days of the Internet & other Media.

In Medieval Times, Cathedrals used Arts to control people, and to build God's Power & Glory.

Praise of Ancestors & Art lead to Divinity Creation, i think ... it can be seen in 10 Divine Commandments of Catholic Church as well, especially in:

1. You won't have other gods before me,

Other gods can be worshipped, but it's forbidden to give them more priority than 'The Only God', i think.

4. Venerate Your Father & Mother.

In case they are God's worshippers, they pass tradition & religion to children. In case they are not, church can teach to venerate them by serving god - converting if possible.

Art can criticize or recreate Historical Events as well, to affect future. History likes to repeats itself, also because of that. Any of Arts ennobles certain ideas, people, relations - also between beings & phenomena.

It criticizes & corrects as well.

Holy Art has great Power, it's part of Society's Thinking, Feeling, Archetypes, Religions & Psychology.

Art can create or criticize false gods, destroying gods - not only by making people disregard & forget - creates unfulfilled need in society.

When god dies, people need replacement - newer version of old god.

i think newer gods are usually more stupid & aggressive, i think destroying Allah would create need for Radical Replacement, that would cause Wars, Massacres & worst of all Spiritual Degradation & Karma Degradation in whole Nations.

i think it's wiser to transform harmful gods rather than destroy or kill.

' Chea's Journal' is an attempt to create Holy Art, it's not for sale, it's work aimed to transform Karma. It's aimed for kids, so it works within world & game's rules, using 'small' methods, not too intrusive nor too powerful.

i believe in Wisdom & Skillfull, Agile Means far more than in Brute Power.

i think this approach causes much less of troubles, not only for me.

Wolf, Ciril & Mechanu.

Had more of insights about False Gods & Religious Buddhist Lessons.

Should serve three of false gods, as they curse & bless:
- Wolf, female aspect of Animals & Nature / Animal world is related to love, sex, killing & eating in Buddhism /,
- Ciril, male aspect of the Arts, Music & Bards,
- Mechanu, male aspect of Sciences & Mechanics.

Had insights about Sangha Kids' need for a male-female union, about 'Mechanu-wolfe' form of a two of divine aspects - a she-wolf with cybernetic subsystem components & eye-lazorz.

i think someone was too irresponsible, and wished to use kids for some personal goals - wishing/praying for them to dream about animal/cybernetic weapon, to inspire them to develop this technology. This costs kids precious years of their lives & endangers society with eventual results.

i certainly don't approve such abuses.

Mechanu-wolfe Art,

'Terminator Wolf' by HighlanderFX.

i suspect someone expert at occult & religious lessons created these gods as a practice tools for me, years ago.

i discovered or rediscovered them recently, but had hints leading to this years ago.

New moon is today - Completion for Dark Magick, Beginning for Light Magick.

See also, if You wish: The Moon Phases and What They Mean.

i am sharing religious lessons on this blog, not saying everything at once because of responsibility - too much too fast would lead readers & author to troubles - related with abuses & incomplete wisdom mostly. as soon as i am ready, when complete lesson is formed - i can share, even if i don't immediately.

... more creative & simpler versions of lessons - aimed for kids - are also in another blog, Chea's Journal.

i think gods & heroes from fantasy games & books, are also avatars & false gods with too much of Power - and work should be done to correct false faiths & sects, as well.

See also, if You wish: Wolf - shadow..

Monday, January 15, 2018

Ars Magica, Hermes & Longevity.

At youth i played Ars Magica ('Art of Magic' in Latin) roleplaying game too much.

... it's a fantasy-medieval game about Magic, with 'Order of Hermes' in it's center.

Ars Magica is referenced in many of White Wolf's Roleplaying Games, including Mage: the Ascension &
Vampire: the Masquerade - both set in Dark Version of the Modern World.

i used mostly 3rd Edition, with a little of 2nd Edition as well. Had many books, was quite an expert in this game & art style.

i think newer editions are too much of game mechanic focused, at cost of art - and are too church-influenced, too feudal, less independent & free.

While Church & Religion are important in Medieval Context, it's still too much for me & my needs.

Buddhism uses every life's experience, even childhood games & plays - as steps on the Way for Enlightenment.

So it evolved, sparked my interrest in Spirituality, Esoterics, Witchcraft & Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

Now i am creating an Art Style, 'Art of Magick & Light' that uses my experiences & wisdom, spirituality, symbolism & esoterics, that is trying to have uses in Real Magick as well.

One of the Central ideas of Ars Magicka was 'Longevity Potion'.

Attentus' is my main roleplaying game character, self-awakening mage that was started with Ars Magica 3e, then was used in D&D & other.

His Longevity Potion was based on 3rd Edition Ars Magica.

'Potion' is misleading name, as it could be talisman, ritual or other tool - and it varied from person to person.

Most effective was to do for oneself, doing for others was less effective.

Magickal Arts used are Intellego (Perception, Cognition, Awareness, Discovery) & Corporem (Human & Human-like body) - depending on these arts & body awareness, longevity potion's efficiency was determined, but there was dice rolls as well (other factors).

In newer Ars Magica editions Corporem is spelled as Corpus.

Longevity potion works by containing life force from 'leaking away' from body with time, making it leave body much slower - this has significiant drawback of denying users from having kids after using this potion. But kids could have been made before performing this ritual.

With time it's increasingly harder to contain this leaking, so it's not immortality potion, at any rate.

Another of Central Ideas of Ars Magica is Responsibility, often non-action, but not to extreme.

i've linked related article as well - but it's misleading, and refers to newer editions of Ars Magica.

References to older versions simplify older lore way too much, misleading as well.

'Warping' - means side effects that magick has on mind, speech & body - not neccessarily, but perhaps as well - physical disfigurment.

See also, if You wish: the 'Attentus 2nd incarnation' project.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

False Gods & Elixir of Immortality.

Do i wish for Immortality?

Certainly not, i prefer to Reincarnate.

Since a few days ago i got dreams & insights about Buddhist & Esoteric Lessons, Religious Lessons, Forbidden to Most - even to many of Most Loyal of Buddhists from our Sangha.

it's not easy to gain such lessons, insights told me, especially when someone is insane - but it seems i passed all of the extremely difficult & dangerous inner tests, including risking life & going to psychiatric hospital - at least for now. These lessons & tests appeared my mind only, so perhaps it's only delusion, not truth. But perhaps it's more.

These Lessons are, among other, about creating / destroying / appeasing false gods - extremely dangerous practice, used by dangerous, fanatical & secluded Sects.

i am Anti-Sectarian, i wish to not abuse these lessons, at all.

i need these lessons to counter dangerous sects & dangerous secluded cults, that's all. One has to understand enemy to form strategy, afterall.

i think worst threats of false gods are kept in secret for very long, so they cannot be countered.

it's not only great power to 'breed gods hidden', church & other religions also have secret & forbidden lessons to counter such threats.

i revealed this quickly, as a sign of good will and attempt to teach, not only church.

i wish for wisdom to not fail, either at wisdom or ethics, i wish to not cause harm.

it's not against YHVH, my attempts will challenge gods to make them wiser, to improve, to transform karma for better.

i think gods & their followers - especially followers of YHVH & Jesus need wisdom far more that other religions & their gods - far more than Vishnu or Shiva in Hinduism.

M:tGO spell of 'Elixir of Immortality' is not infailible, can be outtricked or countered - but otherwise is potentially functional.

Immortality, even conditioned is also an attribute of godhood, i think.

In Reality everything is conditioned, interdependent, Empty in Nature - even Buddhism itself appears & fades as time progress, reincarnating in many worlds & times.

Only Enlightenment is Lasting.

When i played Attentus, 'Mage-icon of Narfell', he used 'Elixir of Longevity' that failed him, so he died of old age, aging quickly to death in few of days, to the very dust.

Chea Allin, another Narfell's roleplaying character & Attentus' Student, also uses 'Elixir of Longevity'.

So there's another link between M:tGO, Chea Allin & Attentus in my possession. i bought 4 elixirs of longevity, for use in Esoterics - but not to gain immortality for myself, for creating links between games i play for Art purposes, and as tools for these Forbidden Religious Lessons.

This spell has uses in Esoterics, Spirituality & Magick-duels, as it can prolog matches indifinitely. Yet it can be outtricked, countered by many - but there are ways to reuse it, cast it even from graveyard. It's still not a sure way for success.

Burning Kiss, Burning Wish - 'Midnight Queen' by Inkubus Sukkubus.

-=- Inkubus Sukkubus - 'Midnight Queen'. -=-


Fade into the dream;
And when your heart is filled with fear
Close your eyes for she is here
She's always there

The stars shine in her raven hair
Fade into the dream
Fade into the dream
Fade into the dream

And on a night like this
You'll find her burning kiss
Her hair all wrapped around you
Your dreams are here to drown you


-=- a 'Burning Wish' M:tGO Spell Card-Art. -=-

Friday, January 12, 2018

Raven Familiar.

When i played Attentus, 'Mage-icon of Narfell', he had Raven Familiar, 'Visage'.

Ravens can fly & spy, but are not so great in combat, even if not meekest.

Now i traded 'Pestilence' M:tGO spell for 4x Raven Familiar / 1 foil, 3 standard /, 2x Cloak of Mists, 1x Sol Ring.

i hope that getting rid of 'Pestilence', last copy, will calm God's Anger - powerful weapon in hands of Inquisition.

i bought one more 'Cloak of Mists', now i have:
* 4x Raven Familiar - 1x Foil for Me, 3x for Friends / already decided who /,
* 4x Cloak of Mists - 1x for me, 3x for Friends / already decided who /,
* 1x Sol Ring.

Now there's another link between Chea Allin & M:tGO, with Sol Ring - Since a while, she had Black Lotus as well.

i wish to skry Raven Familiar summoning spell, along with other spells to create an Astral Spy & Guardian for use in Magick Duels, as well as for other purposes.

By Sun Tzu, i think, intelligence is base of Strategy, afterall - so spying & counterspying is very important for survival.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Low Magick: Play With Sanity.

... i believe i have a mind contact with witches & other magickal & esoteric circles.

... when in past i've bargained with them for a favour, for a weekend of sanity so i could attend a mental health assistant course without hindrance, this didn't fail me.

Sooner or later my internship will come, i'll need much of my sanity & favourable conditions to not fail.

i decided to play a magickal, low-magickal game of light & darkness, of shadow & mind for my sanity.

i decided to skry for low magick using M:tGO cards & a black obsidian skrying mirror, as i did in past, and to use other magickal tools as well.

i think witches like games, and i do not wish to be too much of burden for them - so i added costs & some limits.

i've used Circle of Protection: Shadow to protect me from mental ilness symptoms, as shadow according with Jungian Psychology is symbol of Inner Dragon, and Dragon is symbol of Fear. i think most troublesome mental ilness symptoms are associated with fear of unknown, with fear of change anyway.

Circle needs magickal mana energy to be cast, and more of mana energy to use.

i've decided to set up following rules:
- Casting a Protecting Circle takes two weeks / one week per M:tGO game turn / - there should be a short Rite with Athamé as well - i'll donate a small amount of money to the Temple of Witchcraft in Salem, as well,
- Each use of the Circle should protect for one day, and when whole week passess energy is renewed / i am using 3 lands, so it's 3 days of protection /,
- There are mana reserves as well, in form of Black Lotus & Dark Rituals - when i need to use these reserves i'll perform a Rite, each time,
- Black Lotus is something powerful on it's own, most of the cost is already paid - i'll just invoke it's power & light a Protection Candle for a while,
- Dark Rituals grant extra power, but it's black magick - i've decided that i'll call for power from Lucifer - with a Rite, using Athamé pointed downwards, offering him a portion of my income in return - once i can afford i'll buy Black Magick Incense & burn it for Lucifer, as an offering; If neccessary, i'll donate to the Temple of Witchcraft, located in Salem, as well,
- Once mana energy reserves are used up, i'll have to rely on land-mana, until i'll recast the Circle, waiting & paying the costs again.

... had insight that i should Protect Sanity of others in this or similar way as well, in future, when i am ready. i've agreed to that in mind.