Friday, July 20, 2018

Creative Visualization, Reality Changing Tool.


We are Minds separated by illusions of ego.

When ego is defeated, we are not separated anymore, we are One Mind, we are almost or fully the Buddha - connected even with those unenlightened, even if they perceive barriers still.

Universe is filled with Energies, subtler than physical, spiritual energies.

Subtler energies affect physical energies and matter.

Universe wishes to fulfill our wishes, some call it God-Force.

Universe acts through us.


Imagination, Visualization, the Inner Vibration in Mind, is a way of interacting with Reality, what we think we become.

By changing ourselves, we change Reality - if only by our efforts to do it.

Creative Imagination is Magickal tool, may it be idea, feeling or visualized image in Mind.

Once created, it might be empowered - for example with power of positive affirmations.

That way we change, Reality changes as well.

How to Imagine?

1. Think of something simple, as if it already happened.

Either idea or event, for example: 'My apartment is clean and nice, fragrant, pure energetically and renovated'.

If it's event, relax and let imagine yourself being part of it.

To create image, it's nice to paint it or draw it first, or wish so it appears in mind.

2. Relax Your body and mind.

3. Count from 10 to 1, thinking, letting imagine. Each breath and counted number relaxes you, think of what you wish to visualize after each breath.

4. Return to the imagination often, focus on it often.

5. Empower with positive affirmations, or send positive energy different way.

Affirm without room for disbelief, and make sure it's pleasant outcome.

For example: 'Thanks to clean and fragrant apartment, i can look nice and smell fragrant - bad smells no longer stick to my clothing. Thanks to this i can succeed in Love and in Career'.


That way, you can believe a change is possible, dispel doubts - no matter if they are caused by black magick trauma of brainwashing or by other causes, you can change Yourself, you can change Reality.

Universe will conform to Your Will, You will Manifest / Realize / what you wish to achieve.


* Magick: What It Is and How It Works,
* Graphic Tablet, Imagination, 'Art of Magick & Light'.

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