Monday, July 29, 2024

Awakening the Witch Within, 7th Step.

I've taken the 7th step to win the Wisdom and to Awaken the Witch Within.

Using the Phyllis Curott's Witches' Wisdom TAROT Deck, I did 1-card read with this intention, the intention for the Deck to show me the way for Self-Development as a Buddhist/Wiccan Witch.

The card drawn was 'Balance'.

Meaning of the image seems to be about balance between wildness and freedom of nature and comforts of civilization. Does civilization truly bring safety? What about wars and car accidents?

But according to Phyllis Curott's guidebook for the TAROT deck, the meaning of the Card is as follows:



Within the magic woods, time shifts and the Pilgrim returns to her childhood. She enters the realms of Spirit and sees the world as it's meant to be. Her grandmother shows her how all things live in Balance. She points to Bear and Fox, to Rose-breasted Grosbeak and Squirrel, to mushrooms and elderberries, to passing clouds and warming Sun, tumbling stream and swimming Fish, all in perfect relationship. They teach the young Pilgrim right from wrong and how to be fair, to treat all with respect and reciprocity.

Her heart skips a beat as she remembers the future without her grandmother and wonders who teaches people then. "Mother Earth teaches all who pay attention," grandmother replies. "Remember the story I told you about the Godess Maat? She holds a single feather to weigh against your heart. Lightness of being is the gift of balance."

Mother Earth is always teaching you what all her children know - the life-sustaining Balance that all Creation shows. Live lightly on the land. Take no more than you need and give back with gratitude for all that you've received. If nothing is wasted, there's enough for everyone.

Receiving and replenishing, interchanging and exchanging, with gratitude and generosity, perfect Balance is maintained and lightness of being is attained. Joy is what it feels like.


Choices. Prosperity, generosity. Repriocity, equilibrium, harmony. Lightness of Spirit, joy. Energy flowing.


Finding Balance within yourself is a key to your sense of peace, happiness, and lightness of Spirit. It's time to consider the choices you're making about your life, your time, your energy.

Where do you need to pay more attention to achieve a healthy Balance in your life? How can you make changes and create more of what you need in order to be Balanced? What are your priorities? Are they making you happy? How can you Balance work with the rest of your life? Are your relationships reciprocal - do you receive as much as you give? Are you valued by those you value?

Reflect on how much you have to be grateful for, how much you're given by Mother Earth, and find ways to give back, to restore Balance, inside and out.


Stand at the center of the circle of your life. Face the East, direction of Air. Do you think too much or not enough before you act? Are you still questioning and learning or worrying and doubting? Breathe in, quiet your mind, love yourself as you are, and thank the Plant People for giving you the breath of Life.

Face South, direction of Fire (Northern Hemisphere), and reach up to the Sun. Are you scared or determined in pursuit of your purpose? What gives you joy? Feel the rush of that energy. Give thanks.

Face West, direction of Water. Are you in touch with your feelings or are you supressing them? Are you loving yourself enough or giving too much of yourself away? Say "I love you" and hug yourself.

Face North and touch the Earth. Are you working too hard and not taking care of yourself? What needs healing? Thank your body and promise to take better care of yourself.

Return to the East and take a deep breath. Feel how present you are.


I've understood that to Awaken as a Buddhist Witch, that to awaken Wisdom within, I need to pay more attention to Nature, to pay attention to Animals and Plants.

I've understood that to Awaken as a Buddhist Witch, that to awaken Wisdom within, I need to take more care of my Body, to take more care of my Mind, that i need to make my lifestyle more Balanced and more aligned with the Nature.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Awakening the Witch Within, 6th Step, part 2nd.

I've asked Reindeer Seer to show me how I can change, to be able to help myself and the world.

Using the Phyllis Curott's Witches' Wisdom TAROT Deck, I did 1-card read with this intention, the intention to show me how i can change and help myself and the world.

The card drawn was '6 of Water'.

I've described this card earlier in this blog.
> [ Awakening the Witch Within, 5th Step ].


I've understood that i should go with the flow, where life takes me - to go with life's flow and to help nature, mother earth in process.

I've understood that sometimes life and one's reality change suddenly, and that one should adapt appropriately. This is both risk and opportunity.

I should focus on my priorities, rest is irrevelant.

Sometimes I'll need to accept harsh lessons and face my destiny boldly.

After going through harsh lessons, one becomes stronger and wiser, afterall.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Awakening the Witch Within, 6th Step, part 1st.

I've taken the 6th step to win the Wisdom and to Awaken the Witch Within.

Using the Phyllis Curott's Witches' Wisdom TAROT Deck, I did 1-card read with this intention, the intention for the Deck to show me the way for Self-Development as a Buddhist/Wiccan Witch.

The card drawn was 'Messenger of Earth'.

Meaning of the image seems to be about gifts and good karma coming here from distant, frozen land. Harsh weather, harsh condition but loving, warm hearts. Like Santa Claus who brings gifts from afar.

But according to Phyllis Curott's guidebook for the TAROT deck, the meaning of the Card is as follows:

Messenger of Earth.


The Reindeer Seer, the Messenger of Earth, stands beside her beloved companion and guide. The world is snow-covered and painted with blue shadows cast by the distant Sun. The Seer is young to have gift of sight. But it's because she is young that she is able to see the future clearly. Civilization had not tied the blindfold of distraction and conformity over her eyes. Her gift is heavy burden, but she sees it's possible to shape the future. She will say what she sees. Will the world listen?


Foresight, weighty responsibility, incorruptibility, virtue. Possibility. Honesty. Truth.


Whether visions come through natural intuition or skillful divination, you can see the future. Don't be afraid that it can't be changed. Witches know that fate is what you make it. Not everything is within your control, but if you use your power to control yourself, the future will be yours to shape. Look within and see what you can change now in order to change what will be. Then look around and see the future is not just about you. The world needs her Witches.


Do another reading and ask the Reindeer Seer to show you what you need to heal in yourself and in the world. Then begin. Commit to doing one small thing for yourself that is connected to doing something for Mother Earth. And follow through. When a Witch gives her word, she must keep it.


I've understood that to Awaken the Witch Within, i need to do sometimes things for myself and for the world.

I'll change myself in a way that will make me able to pursue something that will benefit both me and the world.

I'll change my fate and fate of the World, if only a little.

I'll need to do another reading, will try to do it as soon possible and post on this blog.
> [ Awakening the Witch Within, 6th Step, part 2nd ].