Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Sage Card.

The Sage hold the Lantern, it's used to return world to 'prime state', to better the world, to heal the world, to defeat Shadows (inner fears) of the Past, Now & Future.

Each of being brings something to the world, without them this would not exist.

Transforming inconsistences, in and outside us, the light becomes stronger.

It's not escape nor innocence that bring us Sage's Power, it's fulfilling one's tasks, solving our issues ... without hiding anything 'under carpet', that does so.

-- Quoted & Translated from the book 'TAROT dla początkujących' by Evelin Bürger, Johannes Fiebig.

see also, if You wish: The Hermit (Tarot card).

1 comment:

  1. had insight that transforming inconsistences involves keeping honest & true, keeping words & promises, doing one's work & tasks, fixing errors.
