Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sharing Thoughts.

Sometimes i think about telepathy.

Is it different from knowing someone well enough to know when someone is about to use a telephone to call us?
(telephone is the symbol of telepathy, symbol of communication at a distance).

I've read that Buddha Karmapa 17th Trinley Thaye Dorje said (i'll quote more or less precise words): 'Because none of us can read others' Minds, let's talk and get to know each other'.

Perhaps knowing someone well enough is the key to establishing a telepathic contact, to share thoughts.

In a facebook group about telepathy i read someone using similar words, that knowing someone helps to establish a telepathic contact.

I think that telepathy in it's purest form is communication in the form of sharing thoughts. Two or more thoughts/opinions clash and middle ground is found and resulting thoughts appear in involved minds. The more trained mind, the subtler mind, the mind with with lesser ego, has advantage when shaping the final thought to appear, his/her opinion matters more. Subtler minds, however, can feel some pain in the process.

I think that it's possible to protect oneself from pains associated with clashing thoughts/opinions (tested on myself with great success).
One can wish/cast/pray for a gift of such protection.
I think that some people might be protected from pains experienced during sharing thoughts without any extra efforts, perhaps because of karma from past lives. Perhaps they developed such protection in previous lives.

See also if You wish:
- How to Learn Telepathy.