Sunday, May 8, 2016



Malkuth means Kingdom.

It is associated with the realm of matter/earth and relates to the physical world, the planets and the solar system.

It is important not to think of this Sephirah as 'unspiritual'. Even though Malkuth is the emanation 'furthest' from the Divine Source, it is still on the Tree of Life and therefore has its own unique spiritual qualities.

Is often said, Kether (the 'highest' Sephira) is in Malkuth and Malkuth is in Kether.

As the receiving sphere of all the other Sephiroth, Malkuth gives tangible form to the other emanations. It is like the positive node of an electrical circuit, being the node toward which the emanations from the other sephiroth flow. The Divine energy comes down and finds its expression in this plane, and our purpose as human beings is to bring that energy back around the circuit again and back up the Tree.

Cosmic Filter.

Some occultists have also likened Malkuth to a cosmic filter, as it lies above the world of the Qliphoth, or the Tree of Death.

The Qliphoth, being the world of chaos, is constructed from the imbalance of the original Sephirot in the Tree of Life.

For this reason Malkuth is associated with the feet and anus of the human body, the feet connecting the body to Earth, and the anus being the body's 'filter' through which waste is excreted, just as Malkuth excretes unbalanced energy into the Qliphoth.

Another way to understand this is that when one is sitting, as in a meditative state, it is the anus that makes physical contact with the Earth, whereas when one is standing or walking, it is the feet that come in contact with the Earth.

'As above so below'.

Although Malkuth is seen as the 'lowest' Sephiroth on the tree of life, it also contains within it the potential to reach the highest.

This is exemplified in the Hermetic maxim 'As above so below', and 'Kether is in Malkuth, and Malkuth is in Kether'.

Correspondences & Aspects.

Meaning: 'Kingdom',
Gender: Female,
Correspondence in the microcosm: The feet. The anus.
- King Scale: Yellow,
- Queen Scale: Citrine, olive, russet, and black,
- Emperor Scale: Citrine, olive, russet, and black, flecked with gold,
- Empress Scale: Black rayed yellow,
Magical Formula: VITRIOL,
Astrology: Earth,

Element: Earth,
* TAROT Cards: The 4 Tens, and Empresses or Princesses.
* TAROT Tool: Pentacle,
* Gender: Female,
* Mind's Aspect: Thoughts,
* Magical Power: To be silent,
* Matter State: Solid,
* Body humours: Black bile,
* Associations:
  - Stability,
  - Prosperity,
  - Food,
  - Money,
  - Wealth,
  - Crops,
  - Animals,
  - Home,
  - Mountains,
  - Strength,
  - Grounding,
  - Protection,
  - Nature,
  - Death/Rebirth.

Source: HERMETIC.COM » CADUCEUS » QABALAH, Thelemapedia, 'The Mystical Qabalah' by Fortune Dion, Wikipedia.

See also, if You wish or need, ... : Alchemy by neo-mahakala-108, Magic Tools: Elements, Gender & other Aspects, Elemental Correspondences.

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